Yay! Thanks a lot for fixing the Kurtz frags war season reward and for responding to my inquiry!
Any chance of sharing more details on how matchups will be more even for season 5?
Also, thank you for taking the time to read and take into account the sandbagging going on in war that make it unfair and discouraging for many teams who face them.
you r the voice of hardscope
the rewards of the min simulator, they must be a joke, the rewards should be the best because it is an event made by the community, everyone made their contribution in putting teams, I hope that for being a special event fix that, and give us better rewards
Atleast have them the same as previous simulations
For this community event, of which I am one of the winners, I was very shocked at the lowered rewards. It’s stunning, the reversal…and I wonder why the rewards were decreased so substantially.
@Munnin, I absolutely loved the event and how people really thought up some creative teams. This was a crowning achievement and super fun!
However, the differences in rewards from past Min Simulations is so stark and in such contrast to what we were accustomed to…