This week is brimming with excitement as we welcome the formidable new hero, Dagon, to our roster. Dive into the action and discover the unique powers and strategies Dagon brings to the battlefield. Additionally, don’t miss your chance to participate in the “Torres” event, where you can secure the brand-new Bypass Mythic skin!
It’s a week full of thrilling developments and fresh adventures. Gear up, join the fun, and let’s make the most of all the new opportunities. Have a fantastic week of exploration and victories!
We also need some ways to get those tokens to open crate it’s to hard to get tham so make something new ways to get that tokens
Like pvp . raids and others
Hey guys, I keep getting PvP mismatch and I lose my heroes every time when that happens. When I go co-op PvP and our hero power is 50k, we get matched against a Ruby 200k team power and in result, I lose my team. This is very unfair, guys. Please fix this. You can at least do this: if there is a 20-30k power difference, don’t let us lose our heroes. or just dont let us get matched against unfair opponents. Its happened 6 times today and i cant even enjoy the game mode because of it. thanks
I’m sure this has been asked before but why do the buffed raids show ethereal frags as prizes but not actually available to win on any level? Inquiring minds want to know
So why are there only 5 bonus crew for bounty? Is there some announcement somewhere that it’d not beneficial to level up and equip other members of the faction for bounty?