Yes I knew there were at least another Swedish one just couldn’t remember it. Japp stockholmare här
I must state that I haven’t been playing for very long (April?) so if there was some BETA swede who named the bots it wasn’t me. Jag bor också i Stockholm men är inflyttad från Värmland, nice to meet. Back to topic!
Haha I wish I was allowed to name a bot that would have been awesome
I’ve seen a lot of beware of dogface tags, but to busy shooting to make some good screenshots in PvP maps haha
I’ve seen a Cast grafitti! I’ll screenshot if next time.
Awesome I’ve finally created a topic that the developers felt worthy to comment on lol. Thanks guys! and thanks for all of your hard work on this game.
Might be a long shot, but the number on Hecklers shirt seemed significant. Like a date related to the game.
And the look of Scum reminds me for some reason of Megavolt
Nice, I’ve noticed most of those but never seen the eat your food tattoo on butter or the tools on dogface or a couple others.
Oddly enough after all this time, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed the 77 tattoo on the side of razorback’s head either.
Now is that 77 face tattoo only on his skin or in both original/alt
Its on both. Just had too look myself cause I couldn’t remember lol
So Gammond is a drunkie… who’da thunk?
I guess so, I just noticed the flask after you said that lol
Had to start drinking after all the nerfs
Not an easter egg but definitely peculiar none the less, but I can’t be the only one that thinks Mauler looks a bit too much like Alexander Gustafsson, the Swedish MMA dude, who goes by the alias… The Mauler.
Awesome find bro! Lol
Found on Ronin.
Please kill me.