Anyone else ever found any hidden "easter eggs"?

Yes I knew there were at least another Swedish one just couldn’t remember it. Japp stockholmare här :relaxed:

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I must state that I haven’t been playing for very long (April?) so if there was some BETA swede who named the bots it wasn’t me. :slight_smile: Jag bor också i Stockholm men är inflyttad från Värmland, nice to meet. Back to topic! :slight_smile:

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Haha I wish I was allowed to name a bot that would have been awesome :joy:

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I’ve seen a lot of beware of dogface tags, but to busy shooting to make some good screenshots in PvP maps haha


I’ve seen a Cast grafitti! I’ll screenshot if next time.

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Awesome I’ve finally created a topic that the developers felt worthy to comment on lol. Thanks guys!:sunglasses: and thanks for all of your hard work on this game.

Might be a long shot, but the number on Hecklers shirt seemed significant. Like a date related to the game.

And the look of Scum reminds me for some reason of Megavolt

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Some to notice…

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Nice, I’ve noticed most of those but never seen the eat your food tattoo on butter or the tools on dogface or a couple others. :+1:

Oddly enough after all this time, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed the 77 tattoo on the side of razorback’s head either.

Now is that 77 face tattoo only on his skin or in both original/alt

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Its on both. Just had too look myself cause I couldn’t remember lol

So Gammond is a drunkie… who’da thunk? :beers:


I guess so, I just noticed the flask after you said that lol :rofl:

Had to start drinking after all the nerfs


Not an easter egg but definitely peculiar none the less, but I can’t be the only one that thinks Mauler looks a bit too much like Alexander Gustafsson, the Swedish MMA dude, who goes by the alias… The Mauler.


Awesome find bro! Lol :rofl:

Found on Ronin.
Please kill me.

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I’m not gonna mention ronine over here is part of a special operations battalion lol. The 707th Special Missions Battalion. Seems way too coincidential to be a random guess.

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