Hey up - so I clicked into the info of the Skins tab (located as a sub section of the Heroes Screen) and found some spoilers:
- Page 1/ 2nd image = Phoenix Skin yet to be released
- Page 1/ 3rd image = WHO IS THAT??? Hero yet to be released???
- Page 2/ 3rd image = Salvatore Skin yet to be released
I thought perhaps it was Hideo or Heckler - any thoughts anyone???

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I posted pics of these skin-hints in my skin thread a few days back. I’ll link it!
Near the bottom of this thread. We also found a Steele skin in a YouTube video.
Also, answering your question, the second one should be Heckler
One of his two animations in the hero screen is exactly that.
Sorry bud - I searched skins to make sure I wasn’t duplicating but didn’t pick up on that one. My bad!