GYDAS is inching up to the top 200 in every metric (top 100 in some) and we are always looking at players. We are currently full, but we are considering starting a sister alliance as a queue and orientation to our methods. If your alliance has a dead chat, if you ever find yourself using auto-match or begging in global or VIP, if you don’t see discussions on team composition for every single PvP tournament and brawl, or if you ever find yourself otherwise on your own, GYDAS is where you want to be.
GYDAS was created specifically to value teamwork above all else. We organize for every single event to get the most out of them for our members. We max our patrols every day without exception. We operate as one well-oiled machine in bounty hunts. We like high power, but we like activity, communication skills, and a team-oriented attitude even more. Anyone who speaks English and shares our values is a candidate.
Look us up and PM our glorious leader, me, or an officer to inquire about openings.