I am looking for an active alliance that participates in all alliance and pvp events.
I am a free to play player. No idea of spending in here!! Can make upto 400m+ in bounties.
So I see your IGN is IAMLONEWOLF. Can you be a team player as well?
GYDAS has one spot open, but it is for team players only. You will need to make efforts toward contributing for the benefit of all members; patrols kept running while you are offline, sticking to an organized bounty strategy, and maximizing point contributions in events.
GYDAS was built on teamwork and communication. We have grown from just two players with an idea to rank 180 in the last bounty - and we have consistently gained 20+ ranks every bounty for months. We max out our patrols with 6-8 hours to spare. We organize to support each other for every single event without exception. We make a point of sharing tactics and techniques along with diverse personalities in our lively alliance chat. We make decisions democratically and communicate offline in our Line group. We promote officers as soon as we are convinced that they are contributing above and beyond expectations and share our philosophy, and all officers, XO and commander included, have an equal voice in directing the alliance’s agenda.
If you like the sound of that and you think you will fit here, PM me (NLPPLE), our glorious leader (BONES1111), or one of our officers.
Xs N Os is a new alliances that are looking for team players.
If you are active, keep coops in-house and participate in events, we’ll gladly take you.
Look for Karsa_Orlong, OversoulCeven, Adijo, or Bellaxo (our glorious leader). And we’ll get you in.