I and the devs understand what you are saying But they are not going to change it in a day for you so relax. I remember when I use to run certain teams back in the day that won every game and people would complain on here then eventually a nerf would come or a new hero to counter it. The issue is these nerfs or new hero’s don’t come when it’s convenient for you so you will have to wait it out. Look into another game if you are so angry or play co op pvp, the team is less likely to show up there.
No problem. I would love to lose so I can learn from it. Learning from losing to Kurtz rollers is why I developed the team I use most now. When something else comes along that beats me consistently I’ll find a way to use that, or something else, to win. That’s my point. Calling out for nerfs is not the way. The developers are wiser than you give credit for and have already provided the counter to your problem. I haven’t yet evolved those heroes yet but I’m working on it. I don’t need Marianas halo Krieger + cover breakers nerfed. I’ll beat them with the counter soon enough
I never understood the concept of using a META to beat a META sound like you don’t have enough counters , it like we have some 10-15 too powerful heroes overpowering the 75 ordinary heroes. There are some hereos which are totally useless , that I tell the new players to not put any effort upgrading them. @Darrell_Goodrich Maybe the so called Counter , you are talking about is perhaps Min-Maxing/Sandbagging with Kurtz and many players like me don’t have Kurtz unlocked or don’t want to Min-Max with him.
Enough time has passed since the release of Mariana . Maybe we can expect the so called NERF in 4-5 months.
AGILE is a word I often learned working in a Company. You got to make quick decisions depending on market conditions and adapt as per the new scenario. They got to NERF the heroes but they are taking such a long time , now with Kiyoshi released, this team is almost impossible to beat.
Co-op PVP, I am not playing that since 2-3 months . You already know the issues in Match-making. I am just hanging on to this Game due to the awesome Community. Have a Great Alliance, we played war first time in Master League and got Season Rank 51. If I leave , I know it will start a chain reaction and some of them will also quit . The developers are doing great job with new Hero and new Stuff but they are definitely neglecting a lot of Old Heroes and old Bugs in the Game.
uh, no. I don’t even like using Kurtz. I do all kinds of things to win, but I’m not stuck in this holy grail box some are stuck in where you are apparently only allowed to shoot directly at opponents and you can’t dodge and you can’t break covers and you can’t do whatever anyone can’t beat or you are apparently cheating I guess. I use short teams, I break cover, and I use underrated heroes too, and full teams. Use it all. Think outside the box
Here’s an excellent example of something I see and I could complain about it but instead I find ways to beat it. Platinum or ruby Kurtz, platinum or higher halo with two other platinum usually heroes, and a 5th hero so low in level and power that they will be killed immediately so that fierce retaliation is triggered immediately. I find this to be one of the biggest crap moves one can make in PvP. But instead I just beat them. I don’t fault them for trying, the game allows it. Figure it out, beat it, move on to the next.
I will say this, since the hero isn’t mainstream accessible quite yet, I don’t think people know how potent her plat really is.
Without a doubt the devs knew what skills she would have, and how it would be utilized with Halo and Krieger. It may be hard to face, but calm down y’all, it ain’t gamebreaking.
I’m STILL not sold on why posts need to expire or there is a “necromancy” rule. The new post was a question about Kiyoshi and this post is about Kiyoshi. Seems like the right place to ask to me.
Some posts should end, yes. But others should never close because the information and relevance is ongoing and building.