Nerf 4-cep & Shivs & I’ll be happy
Appreciate the technical response.
Very excited for this update, the events, and crates. I’ll try to keep up with co-ops for Duran and the Kurtz skin. Thanks for making the Vault Crate. And a Bounty rewards update, FINALLY! Maybe I’ll get into bounty again lol.
I haven’t updated yet and I am currently seeing Hivemind in my store. Does it change after updating or is there a typo?
Thank you for being more detailed on the Hard Mode Campaign Hero fragment changes, but it looks like it’ll take much more energy for me to get the same amount of Heronium oh well.
-Data: I no you are not able to tell us what variables or analysis you all use…(Would be awesome to see)
Qualitative Data: my perception of Hero adjustments in relation to effect on game play.
average amount of adjustments little to no effect on game play
Increases > decrease effect on game play with high noticeability
The adjustments in relation to game play based on my view alone mainly have little to no effect.
-Game play increases in quality more than decrease in relation to Hero adjustments and game play.
(Increases & Decreases noticable significantly effect my game play)
I used Oro in a match today and it was goooood. Now that he takes 3 shots, you can get his skill to charge faster too. Me likey.
I did notice not all of the hard mode changes went through I can give you a list if you need it but I think you guys can look and see what’s not there just like me.
I hope they tought about the chance for getting exclusive heroes from the crates also…
For everyone who hasn’t noticed yet, before the Chat PIP options were bugged where VIP pips would still show up and the red dot would keep coming back. That is no longer the case and this update has fixed the pip issue, you can now live in peace without the red dot of death watching you
Not for the alliance one it still comes up. When there’s no messages
The new color must be what comes next after platinum. By the look, what is more fitting than the most valuable currency in HH : Heronium. That means we’ll be getting lvl 100 so we can equip mk vi and get to heronium level.
How about another guess: the next gilded hero yet to be uncovered. An energy one in mission 14-6?
GameID : 9 benua
Looking forward to these new skins and especially bounty!! Thank you so much for listening
Now about that level increase…
As far as the “something extreme” goes, I have 2 guesses…
A new higher tier that platinum. And if this is the case, please, I beg of you devs… Please put the “Core MK” V and VI frags in the alliance store. Otherwise leveling up to plat 5 and beyond will not be worth the frustration.
My second guess is that more stars will be added. If that is the case, (again) I beg you to still allow 10 star heroes to generate heronium. Getting to 10 stars is every players dream in this game. It’s a massive achievement and proof of the dedication and love we have for the game. It would be heartbreaking to lose access to the heronium store, especially to someone like me that has almost thirty 10 star heroes. This would be devastating to say the least and would be a massive set back after all of the work it took to get to where I am.
I think it would be a good idea to put the mk5 in the heronium store, and put a hero to 11 stars without losing the heronium I see no logic in that option. Reaching 10 stars is very difficult as the sixth bar, so reaching 11 stars would harm the work of many
They could add levels of how much every star gives you, 10* remains the same and every star more could generate more heronium. It would be ridiculous to remove heronium for 10* at this moment
I agree, but that’s what I’m afraid of. It’s pretty “extreme”.
Well i assume they will receive pretty extreme reaction if they decide to implement something like that when other options were possible
Changing heroes to more then 10stars would be rediculous. I’m sure the devs know that this would crush a huge portion of there player base. My guess is, they will make hero’s able to go past platinum to whatever. No new skills would be introduced, the hero would just have more health, damage, etc. and raise the level cap.
I have a good feeling ruby is gonna be next even though getting to plat 5 is hard with the drop rates being so terrible… Im just hoping foe more ways to vet guilded tokens as they are very hard to come by and very limited
I love seeing the speculation of what extreme means to y’all. There’s a chance extreme is simple referring to the graphics as it’s been hinted that there may be an inclusion of blood effects in the game.
I suspect the next promotion level will come out eventually but they won’t add more stars, that would break the core of upgrading your heroes and would recieve too much backlash. When the next level does come out, the MK5 core fragments will probably be put in the alliance store like the others have been previously with updates like that. They won’t put MK6 however because that would make upgrading too simple.
Mk5 would be enough