The September 2020 Update is COMING SOON!
App Store:
Google Play:
September 2020 Events Calendar:
What’s New?
New Hero: Harbinger
Harbinger, the “Hero of the Swarm”, joins the Hunt! This Queen Bee overtakes her enemies with aggressive swarms of Nano Bees, slowing down and overwhelming her foes!
Check out her skills here:
BEES: Harbinger skin event
NOT THE BEES! Take on the BEES Event to earn Queen B Tokens, which will give you a chance to win the exclusive Queen B Rare Skin for Harbinger!
Take down the Helios and collect Queen B Tokens:
- Level 35+ = 50 Queen B Tokens
- Level 45+ = 100 Queen B Tokens
- Level 55+ = 125 Queen B Tokens
- Level 70+ = 150 Queen B Tokens
- Level 85+ = 175 Queen B Tokens
- Level 90+ = 200 Queen B Tokens
Use your Queen B Tokens to open Queen B Crates, which cost 200 Tokens. Queen B Tokens and the Queen B Crate will expire September 24th at 12 PM PST, so make sure to use them before then!
The Queen B Crate continues the tradition of having great prizes, including Harbingers’s exclusive Skin Queen B and Gilded Tokens!
NOTE: You’ll need to have a Team Level of 40 to unlock the Skins function and equip your Queen B Skin if you win it. If you win the Skin from Team Level 35-39, you’ll still own it, but you won’t be able to equip it until Team Level 40.
BEES Skin Event starts September 17th, 2020 at 12 PM PST and runs until September 24th, 2020 at 12 PM PST
Community Clash!
Community Clash is back! Take on community-created boss waves in Min’s Danger Simulator to earn great prizes!
Get the rundown on our Community Champions and our Final Boss winner here:
Min’s Danger Simulator has awesome rewards, including a Rare Skin for this month’s buffed Hero, Hivemind: Kurta!
Min’s Danger Simulator (Community Clash Special) starts September 5th, 2020 at 5 PM PST and runs until September 19th, 2020 at 5 PM PST
Other Updates
Hero Crate Contents
- Dreadnought is being added to the Hero Crate
Gilded Crate Contents
- Jackal and Venom are being added to the Gilded Crate
Patrol Adjustment
- Ruby Patrol requirement levels have been lowered
- Gold costs to rush patrols have been lowered
Skin Level Adjustments
- Skin bonuses have been adjusted to properly reflect power levels (ie. Rare Skins will be higher in power than Common Skins)
Ruby Duels
- SURPRISE! Ruby Duels are now available!
Hero Changes
Cross is getting a boost to his poisonous abilities
- Poison Rain: area of effect increased
- Incapacitate: damage increased by 10%
Ghoul is bringing the heat!
- Offensive mod increased from 1.6 to 1.8
- Elemental Offensive mod increased from 2.2 to 2.5
Heimlock is getting a slight adjustment.
- Booster Shot: healing received bonus decreased from 20% to 15%
Hivemind is our Buff Focus this month! Increased drones means increased fun!
- Elemental Defensive Mod increased from 0.8 to 1.4
- Defender Protocol: charge needed reduced from 50 to 40
- Defender Drone: Allow a second drone out at the same time
We’ve tinkered with Phalanx’s shields.
- Mag Shield: Blocks 50% of damage instead of 55%
Purifier is getting lit
- Pyrothium Napalm: increased Area of Effect
- Critical Chance increased from 2% to 5%, boosting Immolation Rounds