September 2020 Update Notes

Oh i see thanks for the info. :grinning: :+1:t2:

Why do you guys go that far? There are no rewards after 50

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It’s satisfying to see “stage 150/50”.


Boredom mostly but also curiosity

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yes… when I get bored i play simulator, i enjoy trying new teams

With regards to who might be among the next few heroes and/or be the 100th hero, I noticed something this morning when I was looking at Kurtz and admiring his impeccably knotted tie. Kurtz is married. Perhaps his wife will join the hunt!


Oh, you mean Tiger Shroff

Actually, this might be after what happened with me, as I lost 600 gold, by mistake to open two Krieger Feature Crates, and apologize to the developers for accusing the game for this. Thank you.

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Or she died before/after Zero Day and he keeps the ring for remember her.
Neither death can separate us


Kurtz wife (or daughter :open_mouth:) would be an awesome addition to the roster.

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He has 2 rings in his Rare Skin. :face_with_monocle:


he is ugly now but before day zero he was handsome

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I don’t care if the 100th hero is a he or she, AS LONG AS HE/SHE CAN SPLIT INTO 2 PEOPLE DOING DOUBLE DAMAGE!

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Holloway and Xianju


Is this new? Or have I just never seen it before.

Its been there a while lol😉

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It can be a help, at least on day one of a war, to turn some of those notifications off so that your people aren’t constantly bombarded by marking and attacking notification popups that like to appear right where you need to touch the screen to make an attack.

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