September 2021 Update Notes - The Void Update

The Void Update is COMING SOON!

App Store:
Google Play:

:sparkles: What’s New? :sparkles:

:smiling_imp: New Hero: Keir :smiling_imp:

Keir, the “Unbending Conduit”, and our newest Void Hero , joins the Hunt! Keir is a near unstoppable force that strengthens himself by draining enemies and protecting others.

Check out his skills here: Hero Spotlight: Keir, the First Void Hero - Hero Spotlights - Official Hero Hunters Community

:crown: Keir Skin Event: Exiled :crown:

Take on the Exiled Co-Op Raid Event to earn Heartless Tokens, which will give you a chance to win exclusive Skins like Keir’s Heartless Rare Plus Skin, Irezumi’s new MYTHIC skin, Ruffian, or Oracle’s new MYTHIC skin, Sentinel!

  • Level 35+ = 50x Heartless Tokens
  • Level 45+ = 100x Heartless Tokens
  • Level 55+ = 125x Heartless Tokens
  • Level 70+ = 150x Heartless Tokens
  • Level 85+ = 175x Heartless Tokens
  • Level 90+ = 200x Heartless Tokens

Use your Heartless Tokens to open Heartless Crates, which cost 200 Tokens. Heartless Tokens and the Heartless Crate will expire September 23rd at 12 PM PST, so make sure to use them before then!

:milky_way: Urgent Mission: Void :milky_way:

In this Solo Raid Event, Fiber investigates a new energy source, hoping to harness it for the Patriots. Help her discover the Void and take on waves of enemies! Earn great rewards, like Elemental Fragments, Gilded Tokens and Astral and Void Canisters!

Urgent Mission: Void starts September 16th, 12 PM PST and runs until September 23rd, 12 PM PST.

:dancing_women: Min’s Danger Simulator: Community Clash :dancing_men:

Community Clash is ON! Take on community created boss waves and earn great rewards!

Check out the boss waves here: Community Clash 4 - Winners Announced!

Min’s Danger Simulator: Community Clash starts September 20th, 5 PM PST and runs until September 27th, 5 PM PST.

:toolbox: Crate Contents :toolbox:

  • Barricade will be added to the Gilded Hero Crate
  • Sand Ruby will be added to the Forged Fantasy Crate

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Hero Changes :twisted_rightwards_arrows:

irezumi Irezumi

  • Lethal Dose - Elemental Damage increased
  • Ink Master - Elemental Damage increased

Fortress Fortress

  • Power Overwhelming - Base Elemental Damage increased
  • Power Coil - Health given to allied Heroes increased

Heckler Heckler

  • Overclock - Base Damage increased
  • Rally - Health per second increased

So much epic stuff!! Can’t wait


Third update in a row of no nerfs! Yesssssss! Has the era of nerfs come to an end?

Awesome skins incoming! Stoked with the Void solo coming, gonna be gooooood!


I was surprised. Really. Hats off – Zumi myphic skin is something forbidden. Most powerful bio damager become more powerful.

P.S. All hail Judge Death Keir!!!


I like the oracle skin. Still waiting on yall to give me a fire halloway skin though


no luciana in hero crates ???
that means I’ll never be able to 10* her

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Irezumi! My favourite hero in the game… Ok HH, you have my heart back :wink:


You and the rest of the community like myself will have to wait. Patience, young grasshopper.


Epiccc! Can’t wait to (try) and get the mythic skins. Zumi with the mythic skin will be absolutely broken. She is already a menace. Now she will beat the damage numbers once again. Mythic skin for oracle is unexpected. But welcome. Only means more chance on another mythic skin!:smiley:

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Nothing new same thing always oh my god


Bruh ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

2 Mythic skins in a single update is brutal. Players have a hard enough time chasing 1 at a time. Not only that but we’ll need a Heronium Festival soon to keep up with the drain Mythic skins cost to max out.

Looking forward to next month’s update for the (possible?) Scavenger Hunt. That should bring some excitement back into the game. New dude looks nice though.


Them mythic skins tho… are epic!

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Next should have scavenger hunt. I love hunting pumpkins :jack_o_lantern:

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New urgent missions is so… unfriendly. And don’t fun. Big part of view is covered of big energy vortex, enemies start shoot all at once in invulnerability mode and you may shoot them only few seconds later when their healthbars is appearing. Are you test this before release?

I like various challenges as no one from all community, but challenge must be fair and give to player possibility do all things with right timings and skill. Current urgent missions is far away from this.

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You call these rewards? LoL


Not really much rewards lol :joy:

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Can’t wait for the next new hero announcement

Looks kinda decent to me, min sim is easy to beat so basically free rewards.

I guess when you set your bar low, you can’t be too disappointed