The summer community games have finally come to an end after some hard and gruelling battles we have our winners. I would like to personally thank all 131 members who took part even if a handful had to be disqualified for inactivity and not playing their matches, you are all amazing and are what make this community work. You are all the life of this game and it would be significantly less fun without you and seeing you all play your games and make new friends through these community events is honestly amazing.
Without further ado, here are your summer winners:
Spartan4life247 with 5 gilded tokens Lemon852 with 5 torque feature tokens 3l Azt3k MX with 5 hero crate tokens
Thank you 3 and all the others for the amazing games and taking part, we hope to see all of you again in 2 months with the next community games. Now on to the part I know alot of you like doing, the polls and the voting. I will lay out each question and have a poll below, for some of the questions I would like you to please follow the structure provided if you want your suggestion to be taken seriously.
Would you like to see any hero banned/ barred from use in tournaments?
Would you like to see faction specific PVP, for example Magistrates vs Morlocks and only those heroes can be used?
What level should the next event be played at?
Ruby (if available)
Would you like to see team based dual tournament games when they are released?
These questions below can’t be answered by poll and require you to give your opinions, please follow this structure when answering:
Question: Please write the question you are answering here Answer: I would like to see x, y and z change because I think …
What type of rewards would you like to see in future events?
What specific rules do you think should be implemented in this event?
Why do you think a hero should/ should not be banned?
Are there any additional polls you would like to see me edit in and add to this post, I will add them if suggested.
Once again, thank you for being an amazing community. I am going to be away from discord and the game for a bit as I am busy working, but rest assured I am working on the guide in the background where I can. Thank you for all the love on my recent ruby guide, there is plenty more to come. Have a good week and stay safe folks
What type of rewards would you like to see in future events?
Exclusive avatars. Like Devastation ones.
What specific rules do you think should be implemented in this event?
No runners. Run is good when players is dodge from direct menace or try survive with low HP, but not when someone start endless dodging with full HP from start of battle.
5 fights with 3 wins. And players must play all of them even if someone grab 3 victory during first 3 battles.
If devs not make working draft option players must play with choose team by turns. In 1st round one players choose team, push ready button and wait to other. Without any changes. In 2nd round this do another player. Or this is ridiculous when opponent don’t choose any hero until you don’t completed your team in each round or start change heroes by cancel duel on last seconds before start.
Why do you think a hero should/ should not be banned?
Break the meta. Each second fight is clash of same heroes. Maybe have a reason to block all popular meta heroes. This is open new interesting fights and surprising results. Tournament must have something epic and randome. Not generic boring duels with same 10-15 characters.
Are there any additional polls you would like to see me edit in and add to this post, I will add them if suggested.
Maybe have a reason find a way to make a video broadcast of tournament. Atleast from quarter final rounds.
Looking at the polls only 24 votes for Poll 1 with majority saying heroes should be banned from future competitive play, this poll is not yet closed so I urge people to keep voting and make your voice heard. For now I will begin asking what heroes people want banned. There is a poll attached to this message asking if you would like only 1 hero or more banned. Please vote on that so we know what you would like, we now need people to reply to this post below saying who they want banned and why. Thank you for your time.
Having heroes banned is a stupid idea. Ppl have spent a lot money into this game and built their heroes up to have an advantage over others. Sorry, but this is what you get when you have a pay to win, or to have a higher advantage over the competition. That’s what hero hunters have built this game on. Us spending money. Some of us have spent way more than others. That’s just how life goes. If hh games wanted everyone to be on an even playing field, they wouldn’t have given us the option to make in game purchases.
This is a community event, run by the community for the community. These polls represent what the community want to see in the next event, when the next event is complete then the polls will be ran again. I agree with what you’re saying to an extent but we also want to allow players who are not at the high end to participate who may not have some heroes who are overpowered or may not yet know the meta. There were many showing similar distaste for the decision to ban Kurtz from the last event which is why I am running the poll on both here and discord to make sure for certain people want this as a whole
Only hero that should continue to be banned is Kurtz in my opinion. It’s almost a guaranteed win if u use him. Most people seemed to want him banned as of the last poll and I would like to see that stay the same… every other hero should be fine.
If there were another hero that were banned, my vote would go to Serial…
To echo what Gale is saying, this is 1000% a community-run event. We at Hothead have nothing to do with it. Please don’t take anything being decided in this topic, or any community-run polls in the future, as indicative of the future direction of Hero Hunters.
What? Are you understand how duels work? This is like a draft mode. All participants have equal status to all heroes. You may even not touch some heroes, but they will have needed level/color in all fights.
I voted for no heros to be banned, and will continue to NOT play if any hero is excluded from any tournament. Its absurd for a hero to not be included, a joke.
I’m sorry to hear that, as the moderators of the events we only facilitate and match up people. The rules are decided by the members and those who play, I’m sorry to hear this is not to your satisfaction, I hope you change your mind as many have had great fun playing these matches and have made and met new friends in people they would never have found normally. As always feedback is appreciated
You’re entitled to your opinion, but I don’t think you can deny that Kurtz completely changes the dynamic. You have to kill him first or his plat will screw you, and if you don’t do it quick enough, his silver will screw you. Certain characters get excluded all the time in pro e-sports because of OP skills, complete dynamic changes, or both.
(Also, some people might say, “but people have worked so hard on so-and-so”, but all heroes are normalized at lvl 60 plat)