the S??? hero girl
Maybe skinny hairy guy
Is this a physiological exam?
Not sure if a photo of full body of a girl or a zoom to the face of a guy with a Mohawk hair ?
I think is not mohawk, but more like ponytail, I guess
We’re getting Bayonetta. Woohoo!
Ooo @Justice95 is getting warmer!
I think it’s Nightingale’s sister, Sparrow.
So when are we getting sparrow ? Does he has a samurai ponytail?
Yay! My next avatar! ♀️
More like a legionnaire?(ancient Rome)
Name = Shipsmate
Description = Wee girl from the valleys displaced and orphaned during the Kurtz incursion. Was rescued in the woods by a parrot and brought up as one of their own. Still carries said parrot on her head (no idea what that could possibly be other than a parrot…)
Primary weapon = blunderbuss (monster shotgun)
Special weapon = Parrot lets off really smelly fart
Bronze skill = Shouts y’aarghh and deafens opponents
Silver skill = parrot turns to cannon and blasts opponents
Gold skill = Passive skill activates for initial 10 seconds of fight. Pirate treasure map is distributed to the opponents, who find themselves disorientated and temporarily incapacitated
Platinum skill = Sails pirate ship onto screen squashing all opponents
PS - can’t believe you stole my idea @Huginn (once again, no offence other developers - Huggin is the only name I ever remember) - was a concept years in the making. Looking forward to the royalties. Speak soon,
@Howitzer just tell me this isn’t an April fool joke
It’s a turban hairstyle. So it is multi cultural hairstyle. Like to see a pirate imo.