As promised - here’s the first update since the Alliance Wars kicked off.
Yesterday’s initial post provided a glimpse into what we could expect for the upcoming war. But even with that initial info, we didn’t really know what we were getting into. To sum up the first day of wars, I’d say it was quite a learning experience, AKA - Clusterf*ck.
The Alliance screen didn’t change much other than show info as to how the alliance was doing.
One confusing thing about this is that there are two ranks. One rank shows your rank in the local war (remember there are only 6 alliances per map) and then the overall rank. So we’re currently 4th on our map and 15th overall. If I’m not mistaken, there are currently 9 other wars going on for a total of 60 teams.
Upon entering the war, we were greeted with our Alliance HQ hexagon on our portion of the map (noted by your alliance logo).
The tiles are all numbered. Initially, I thought this was what each tile was worth but I quickly realized it’s just a position indicator to help coordinate attack and provide positioning.
Clicking on the HQ tile will show you your alliance activity, total tiles owned, and victory points per hour (apparently you don’t start earning these til the second day).
The left hand board shows your the currently leaderboard. You can expand/collapse these at any time to get a better view of the board. At any time you can click on the graph icon to get to the main leaderboard as seen below.
This is a familiar leaderboard to what we’re all accustomed too. Right now it’s showing our score for the first war. The only thing weird here was that it shows three wars in the main area but the summary count shows 0/2. Not sure why the difference here. Only thing I can think of is that beta is only supposed to be 2 wars.
There’s different tile indicators but since I haven’t gotten into a battle with another alliance, I don’t know them all. With that said, the ones I do know are as follows:
Grey - this means it is unoccupied and owned by the AI.
Grey + blinking small interior hexagon - unoccupied and partially owned by your alliance. Still owned by AI though.
Full Alliiance Color - Owned by your alliance
Alliance Color + Honeycomb fill - owned by your alliance and currently shielded (don’t really know what this does yet)
Tile with star(s) - this time is worth a lot more than the other tiles and allows more defenders to be placed within. (More on this later)
Another color than your alliance - enemy tile
For the grey tiles, they seem to be occupied by at least 2 AI teams.
Here’s the first thing I learned - there’s no point using your weakest teams to kill them off. You end up using 5 heroes which count as battle points. When my battle points refill tomorrow (they take 24 hours to refill), I plan on only using 3 heroes per attack so I get 5 attacks per day.
As you can see, regular tiles are the least valuable. The more stars on it, the more they are worth.
When you defeat a team, you partially own it until all opposing teams are defeated on that tile.
After the tile is defeated, you have the opportunity to add heroes to the tile. Anyone from your alliance can add teams of heroes to the tile. It appears regular tiles can hold 3 defending teams, 1 star can hold 5 defending teams, and 2 star holds 10 defending teams. You can add and remove teams as your see fit.
One thing that’s weird is that there’s an info icon in game but it gives no instructions as to how any of this works. We’re all figuring this out by ourselves. I would have thought they would have put something in there to give some type of guidance.
And for now, that’s it. Tomorrow will likely include more info on battles against alliances as we are close to another alliance.
I’m sure some of the above will be adjusted as well once I understand a bit more as to how this all works. And I can definitely see how treaties between alliances will play a big role in this event. Alliances will make and break treaties to defeat lesser opponents and take over boards. One thing the devs may want to consider is limiting the ability of sister alliances being on the same board. I can see a main alliance with multiple feeders dominating a board and making the event for that board boring.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Feel free to ask any questions you have.