The Kickoff
What seemed like an eternity was really just a couple days but I was getting the itch so I’m glad my fix is coming soon.
We just got the message that the next war kicks off tomorrow.
Based off the message, we’re definitely getting 20 points this go around. That should definitely help a bit with strategy and such. Best of all is open Beta will be next month so you all get to participate!
There’s not much for us to see right now. The leaderboard from last go around is visible and we’re still in 5th.
And the war is back in the alliance tab but there’s not much we can do with it other than watch the countdown and check the leaderboards.
What’s new is that we can see what members are allowed to participate in the war. Well, we are supposed to be able to see. When I tap the button, nothing happens.
One thing that hasn’t changed? That annoying patrol crate red dot that makes you think you have something going on in the members button but it just the frame scrolled to the right and the patrol crate dot being pushed into the button. Me love you long time if you fix that devs.
Finally, something I noticed is that it says roster is locked and match makingnis in progress. Makes me think we won’t be paired up with the same alliances we battled last round. Who knows. We’ll find out in 16 hours.
Til then, feel free to post questions, suggestions, comments, etc.