Anniversary Scavenger Hunt 2021

50/100 Presents have been found! Let’s keep up the good work! :gift:


#41 9-6 difícil

#42, 9-8 Hard, Wave 1, Midline or Rearline, move right and look up. The present is on the railings.

where is this bro???

Sorry about that. The location is 9-8 Hard for #42.

Thanks bro :v:t2::sunglasses:…!!!

Half way there, reach 100 by end of weekend? :astonished:

desafió 2-2 GAUNTLET 2-2

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#68 4-4 HARD wave 1 Frontline move right look right on ground

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hi guys, i found gift 32.
8-4 normal
wave 1
midline hero
go to the right
look up to the right
sry don´t have a screenshot

Can you say in english please, the mission details also…

Sorry, i dont understand french…

(Common) #32, Midline, Normal 8-4 , Wave 1, to the right and up
Courtesy- Duke

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Which mission is this?

Which mission is this?

C an anybody tell me which mission is this?

4-1 gaunlet go left as far as possible on the side of the wall on the stairs


The picture with castellan is posted in the scavenger docs as #68, Hard 4-4, Wave1 exactly where the mark shows to shoot!

They posted the link for the doc at the beginning on top up there to help you. It is open to view it.

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Yay 100th! Thx m8! :smile: