A little more detail for #99. This is the cover you have to break.
8-6 normal should have one… no lvl has had 2 gifts, and all lvl have one gift on 8th sector but 8-6. And is located between 8-3 and 8-9 which are know gifts on rare section
Your are right bro #75 is in 8-6 normal
You’re getting close to the end! Great work, everyone.
88/1оо missed doc update 83/100 not 88/100 in doc please update
Which 88 Ge4rof war i can only see 86
Twelve missing:
67, 70, 73, 79, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 94, 96 and 98
Hello, can you tell me were are located 80 and 88 please
Discord channel bro
Thanks dude i dont know how to use discord but thanks
same thing as whatsapp a little different so create the account and enter the discord Hero hunters
use this link after downloading and creating the account it has the hunting flap for gifts
Oh thank you very much