Warden, the “Stalking Huntress,” joins the Hunt! Utilize her powerful charging capabilities and target marking to unleash devastating kill shots to the enemy!
Primary Weapon - Long Bow
Power Shot
Bronze Skill - Active Ability
Warden fires a powerful arrow dealing Damage to the targeted enemy. If the target is killed, this Hero gains Armor for 10 seconds.
Magic String
Silver Skill - Active Ability
Imbuing magic into her bowstring, Warden gains a charge of Magic String. Each charge of Magic String improves Power Shot’s and basic attack Elemental Damage, to a maximum of 3 charges. Using Power Shot depletes all charges of Magic String.
*Gold Skill - Passive Ability
Designates a target, improving allied Heroes attacks against the targeted enemy with extra Damage. Whenever this Hero critically hits the target, she deals additional Damage.
Platinum Skill - Passive Ability
Whenever this Hero kills an enemy, she gains Health per second for 8 seconds. If both Magic String and Survivor are active, killing an enemy provides and extra charge of Magic String.
Ruby Skill - Passive Ability
Warden gains bonus Armor and Dodge chance.
How can I get Warden?
Warden will be available through a Feature Crate!
What do you think of Warden? Let us know in the comments!
If memory serves me correct she was a 7 star hero in Forged Fantasy. Is she going to be a 7 star hero or a 4 star like the other FF hero’s who joined Hero Hunters? Also glad she’s joining the hunt.
Frontline in forged fantasy all use melee weapons, the maps we currently have would put them at too massive a disadvantage. Especially the sewers map in pvp, or the train.