PVP Tournament: Our weekly PVP Tournaments! Bounty Event: Play the Bounty Event with your Alliance! Brawl: Our new PVP Mode! Solo Raid Event: A Special Solo Raid event! Co-op Raid Even: A Special Co-op Raid event! 3x Raid: On Sundays, all three Daily Raid types are on! Get all your Upgrade items and Hero XP here!
Please check in-game the day before the event starts to see Rewards, Bonus Heroes, and other Information
So there’s only 4 Patriots Heros and I guess Flatline will join them. I assume we’ll get a good chance of winning her without needing to shell out a tonne of gold?
Yea this calendar is confusing and seems like there are some errors. Appears to me that “Brawl: Oracle” lasts one week (orange color) but that can’t be right. I’m sure that is meant to be “Spotlight: Oracle” but then we apparently have some unknown brawl that lasts a week.
I hope these events will grant me a few Sapphyr fragments since I haven’t unlocked her yet.
My Patriots team is Phalanx (Gold), Surge (Silver, but 6 stars) and Fortress (Gold, 4 stars). At least Fortress and Phalanx are pretty upgraded so I guess I’m gonna have to work on Surge to stand a chance in the faction events.
Good point but I haven’t seen any official statement from the devs that June is Patriots month (only players). Did I miss it? I am wondering why everyone thinks that June is Patriots.
But probably a month in the game starts along with the monthly update (so basically June Month will start maybe June 14 and last until July 15 maybe? I am too new to the game to have been able to see a pattern.