I do not agree with nerfeen heroes, 1) it is very difficult to upload heroes to ruby, 2) many of us use gold to unlock new heroes. 3) We invest a lot of time and money to have a hero at his maximum capacity. for developers to come nerf it. This is very bad taste for any player, I understand that many take advantage of using only one team. but as mentioned in a comment. #make all pvp events, only the 2 bonus factions can participate. that will force all players to look for combinations between the 2 factions. hh you’re doing a terrible job
His nuke skill is soo dope… Literally soo dope
YES!!! My favorite movie of all time
Because Marianas was NOT THE PROBLEM. She did very little damage. Platinum 4 bar Marianas Razor Wind does about 4500 damage per hit. It tickles…BUT, with Halo, Kiyoshi, and Kreiger, a crap ton of damage was dished out. WHY?
Halo: Lightning Rod - 40% chance to deal additional damage when another hero deals damage with a skill.
Kiyoshi: Chaos Reigns - 50% chance to deal additional damage…same as Halo, just 10% higher chance.
Kreiger: Gravitational Field - 60% chance to deal additional damage.
Kiyoshi’s damage is around 37k for mine and Kreiger and Halo are about the same around 27k.
I’ll ask this one last time…have you EVER seen Halo’s platinum NOT trigger when another hero hits with a damaging skill? I haven’t. I’ve been playing a long time and I’ve used Halo for a long time. I have Kiyoshi and I’ve used her. I have Kreiger and I’ve used him. EVERY TIME one of my heroes hits with a damaging skill all three deal extra damage 100% of the time. That’s how it looks. That’s what I see.
Quoting from above…
Let’s take Marianas out of the equation and talk about Kurtz. Run a Platinum Kurtz, Kiyoshi, Kreiger, Phalanx and a level 1 green whatever. As soon as that green sacrificial lamb is killed Fierce Retaliation will kick in and do damage every second. Do that and watch…tell me that your enemies are only hit with lightning 5 times every 10 seconds. 50% chance, that’s what Kiyoshi’s platinum skill says, 50%. They are hit with lightning EVERY SECOND that Fierce Retaliation hits. That’s not 50%.
So, one last time, how was Marianas the problem? Because three other heroes skill descriptions are wrong? Well, their skill descriptions are correct, just how it actually works in the game is not. Point being, Marianas was “nerfed” because three other heroes are broken. How is that right?
You know, I used Marianas cover breaking teams to beat the Kurtz sacrificial lamb team. It’s why I built a team using Marianas. But now, Kurtz abusers will still use the sacrificial lamb method and take full advantage of these three hitting with 100% chance extra damage on top of Fierce Retaliation…and so will I now that the HUGE problem known as Marianas was “fixed”.
I can’t lie, you’re waffling.
what does that mean?
Oh, I see. I’m talking about nothing important. That’s cool. Just remember this when another hero is nerfed because something else entirely is not working correctly, and then tell me about waffling.
So you are telling us that a skill that triggers a hero quicker than a second is not busted? I agree with you concerning kurtz, but this a step in the right direction.
Her skill triggering every half a second still does a fraction of what Fierce Retaliation does. But regardless of that, my point is that Razor Wind did exactly what it said it did while three other heroes do NOT do what their skills say. My point is FIX the broken skills before you change the ones that do what they say they do and see how it goes. AFTER everything works the way the skills say, if there’s still a problem, THEN you nerf or buff something.
If you find that mice ate into your box of rice crispies…do you put the next box in a plastic bin so that they have to eat the cherios or do you kill the mice? All we did here is put Marianas in a plastic bin so that the mice will go after Kurtz. You still have mice (Halo, Kiyoshi, Kreiger).
So u believe that a nerf shouldn’t have happened to Marianas?
correct. at least not till other broken issues were addressed.
I’m no expert at this, but since the three have different percentages at which they trigger, don’t you think the so called 100% trigger is just all their skills triggering at different times.
run them one at a time then. Run Kurtz with just Halo and some super low level hero. Have your buddy kill the super low level hero and then just stand there. Tell me you don’t see lightning every second.
You have a valid point with the insane triggers, but I think the problem most people are having with mari is because you could play siren and halo/krieg/kiyoshi. And people won’t complain, because you have a chance to defeat it. With Kurtz, just kill kurtz first. Marianas however takes no skill, break a couple of covers and gg. It happens so quickly that people don’t have a chance to beat it. I can see your point that halo and others are the ones causing damage but except krieger, all of them are mediocre by themselves
I can’t see what I’m typing my keyboard is covering it lol
Just kill Kurtz? Well, I could argue Just kill Marianas then. Cover breaking at least requires you to shoot cover. Using a green hero with a Kurtz team requires you to do nothing. Nothing at all because the enemy team will invariably hit and one shot kill that green hero triggering Fierce Retaliation and then Kiyoshi or Halo or Kreiger will hit you every second…or all three if you have them.
And Mediocre damage? In 4 seconds my Kiyoshi will do about 120k damage on top of whatever else is hitting my opponent every second, whether it’s Fierce Retaliation or something else. It’s not mediocre.
Fran and Pheonix buff lookin kool,
Marianas nerf will make some drool,
Godlante’s long lost and long awaited brother is finally here
100 heroes, spread the cheer,
This poem is pointless and I don’t care,
But long long ago Nikon was dared,
to make the 100th hero Godlante mk. 2
and we can all trust Nikon to bring us through,
We love you Nikon, and miss you a lot,
This next year of heroes will be a good spot
for hot head games this year will soar,
we just wish Nikon was here to give us more
R.I.P. Lord Nikon
One thing is for sure, when the new update comes i won’t be updating it so just to keep using marianas’ un-nerf skill lol…
LOL. Ok buddy. Not sure how my point is invalid…because invalid means wrong. Does or Does Not Halo, Kiyoshi, and Kreiger hit 100% of the time? My point is invalid if they only hit at the percentages their skills describe. Still waiting for hard evidence to prove me wrong.
say cheeeeese -_-
Most of the community would disagree with your point. I can’t be asked to try and get evidence about a point which most of the community agrre with. Have a nice day.
I actually can’t type lol. agree*