So, what you are saying is, most of the people playing this game don’t believe Halo, Kiyoshi, and Kreiger do extra damage at a rate of 100% of the time that another hero does damage with a skill. That’s amazing. How did you get that data? Because that’s exactly what I was asking for was for someone to come forward and say "nope, Halo’s platinum skill only hits 4 out of 10 times that Riker hits with his grenade. Or only 4 out of 10 times that Hideo throws his daggers. That only half the time that Hivemind’s drones drain health does Kiyoshi hit them with lightning to back it up.
If someone has a 40% chance to trigger and the trigger is occurring every 0.5 secs, obviously it’s going to look like 100 percent of the time. If you have a problem with halo, she’s already been nerfed and she’s still doing her thing, so it’s not her that’s the problem.
Run a duel with a friend. You run Kurtz, Halo, and another hero with very low health that your buddy can kill in one shot. Have your buddy use Cast so you can really see the damage ticking off. Then, after your friend kills your low level hero everyone just sit there. You will see as your halo continues to shoot that there will be some small numbers ticking off of cast that represents her weapon damage. BUT, what you will also see, EVERY SECOND, is a large damage number ticking off of Cast. That is Halo’s platinum doing damage…every second.
At no time have I made the argument that Halo, Kreiger, or Kiyoshi can’t be killed. Marianas can be killed. Kurtz can be killed. Every hero can be killed, so that’s irrelevant. My ONLY point is that damage is being done at 100% activation by three heroes that shouldn’t and Marianas was nerfed because of it. For some reason you simply choose to believe it’s not true vs actually testing it.
And, FYI, Halo was not nerfed. Her platinum activation was reduced from I think 60% to 40%, but that doesn’t matter because it was really 100% before and after her “nerf”.
Alright. I’m tired of arguing with this point. If you believe that mari shouldn’t get nerfed, then good on you.
It seems like I can’t get my point into your head since you’ve already made up your mind . It was nice having this talk with you.
My friend, I NEVER said Marianas didn’t need a nerf. I said she was nerfed because three other heroes skills don’t work correctly. How can one hero’s skill be judged based upon broken skills of other heroes? If ALL other things worked correctly, and these cover breaking teams were still wiping out almost any other team composition, THEN I would say nerf Razor Wind. But, i’d be willing to bet, that if the other three heroes skills worked correctly, we wouldn’t be having this conversation at all because the amount of damage being done by the current cover breaking lightning teams would be vastly less than it is now. In fact, statistically, it would be half as damaging than it is now if using all three with Marianas.
it’s a chance thing and although you are correct about halo and others dealing crazy amounts of damage, when paired with heroes like mauler or siren or hivemind, you need to take the time to set up the actual trigger, whether that’s hivemind’s bronze/silver, mauler’s plat or siren’s bronze. With mari however, you only have about 3 secs until the lightning show is on. The combo minimises the amount of heroes you can use
Kurtz, Halo, any green hero, no cover breaking needed. (three heroes). Marianas, Halo (two heroes), breaking cover required.
In the first scenario the green hero will die, nothing needs to be done. Just roll and run with your Kurtz. Fierce Retaliation will make it easier because the enemy is also instantly disoriented. I’ve also seen this set up where Flatline is also on the team and revives the green hero who is instantly killed again which keeps the Retaliation going, endlessly.
In the second scenario cover must be broken. You can’t run all over and break cover, you have to shoot it. Granted with a ruby tank it’s far easier than at platinum, but it’s a “have to do” thing vs letting your green hero be passively killed.
These are two arguably “no skill” teams. I actually agree with that assessment. I was simply using one “no skill” team to beat another “no skill” team. But, instead of addressing the real issue that would have made BOTH “no skill” teams vastly less effective, we have only handicapped one of them.
I don’t like the Marianas lightning teams and I’m happy that they will be less effective. MY ONLY POINT is that a nerf was done based upon another game function that is broken. I feel that BOTH of these “no skill” teams would have been addressed by fixing whatever code it is that governs percentage skill activations on passive skills. Now, Kurtz abusers will just continue to run what I like to call “sacrificial lamb” teams, unchecked, and those with money will revive their little lamb for 10 gold all day, every day.
And by the way, one possible team you will face is Kurtz, Mauler, Kiyoshi, Flatline, and little lamb. When little lamb dies Kurtz will start hitting you and will disorient you. Mauler will then hit you with his passive skill that does damage for you being disoriented. Kiyoshi will in turn hit you for both Kurtz and Mauler twice per second while you are all disoriented. How did that take any time to “set up the trigger”.
Yh the kurtz thing does suck due to pvp matchmaking, and I’m starting to slightly understand what you’re trying to say, but what I’ve believed is this nerf is a step in the right direction. It may not be the final one but its a good first step.