Please, fix the power calculation system

Biggest pain point in the game. They’re punishing progress.

Just echoing @Huginn to say that we are paying attention to this topic/issue. We really appreciate the feedback and ideas here!

So, it’s allmost another week and still, when you’re happy af that your new strategy is finally get it goin, you match up just with massively “underskilled” teams, which wipe you out in no time and you’re pissed that you “made the mistake” to skill your chars, as it’s ment to be…
Please, either imply the Funktion to reduce skillpoints after you made the mistake to skill useless skills, make the skills use full, or take the skilllevel out of the rating-calculation, one of those three options shouldn’t be that hard to do…pleeeease :slight_smile:

I guess this will be addressed on the next patch, around May

I really hope they do fix this even sooner…it’s an issue that may cost a lot of players, cause it really takes the balance out of pvp…always competing against chars with double the life/armor/damage but even less rating than the own is fucking redicolous and pointless tbh.
They fixed the pvp-revard problem in days, while this one is know for weeks now and nothing is done about it :frowning:

Its been more than just a few weeks. And Yes, before ANY hero balances can truly be measured they need to address this discrepancy first. I am going to make a video showcasing how the math works and why its such an issue. Will post it here when done.

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Dont forget to mention how gamebreaking a 1-1-55 clyde can be :smiley:

I have some very pertinent information to share with everyone…

The amount of power added is STATIC regardless of how many stars a hero has or their current level.

Bronze skill point : 7 power
Silver Skill point: 9 power
Gold Skill point: 12 power

In other words at lvl 60, the power gained from skills is:

490 (bronze) + 540 (silver) + 720 (gold) = 1750 total power from skills.

This is true for a 1* as well as a 10*

A 1/1/21 skill point drake can save: 1482 power… aka only gaining 268 power from skills.

This also means you can THEORETICALLY have a full gold team with 7410 less power than the same team with maxed skills.


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Great work with the math, thanks a lot h.d…so you completed the „investigation“ the developers promised, but still no comment from them, when they will stop punishing people for skilling their chars and the guys exploiting this system get revarded every tournament for it! Thanks a lot u guys :frowning:

We are looking into more than just “What does the math look like?” A solution requires more than that. We look at what changes can we make to make it more fair. Does the issue impact other modes (Gauntlet, Co-op, Campaign)? Does each mode need a different power calculation (competitive vs non)? Would normalizing Power in general for PvP be positive or negative? Do we have the ability to test a solution with a Brawl?

When we say we’re investigating we are understanding what the problem is, what is causing the problem, what are solutions that could solve the problem, and does a solution actually solve the problem. You can probably guess that this takes us time internally to test as well.

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So, when do we get a fair pvp matchup system and when will you stop revarding players abusing the crappy system, we got till now? Approximately? Christmas? Next month? Maybe you should invest more resources to fixing problems your game allready has instead of adding new stuff? If you would just make it possible to redo your skills, the odds would be even again and implying that Funktion wouldn’t be that hard to do, just as assuming the max rating for every skill possible for matching in pvp…all simple solutions to the case and all could be done without much effort for you guys and it would bring fair matchups…please you guys, your game is way too good to have such simple problems destroying the fun of it

To be fair, the solution is as easy as matchmaking ignoring skill levels. No power tweaking required for any game mode. You are supposed to have your skills maxed. If you dont max your skills for PvP, you will probably be in disadvantsge (unless enemy has also underleveled skills)

Power (Visible stat, mix of stars, skill levels and gear)
Matchmaking power (Hidden stat, equal to actual power with maxed skills at current level/grade)

Use Matchmaking power stat for matchmaking, use Power stat for point reward after battle.

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Good to know that you guys are aware of the issues. Like so many others, I leveled up all the skills of my primary PvP heroes before discovering that min/maxing only certain skills could create a huge advantage when it comes to matchmaking due to power calculations and the usefulness of certain skills. Running into a team with a 1/1/60 Clyde, 1/1/60 Mandrake, 60/60/21 Gammond, 60/1/60 Razor, and a healer (insert Heim/Moss/etc here) is a guaranteed death sentence if my comp has all maxed skills because I’ll definitely be several stars/bars lower overall.

Lots of good suggestions on how to fix this that I’ve read all of which I hope you are considering. Includes:

  • Allow all players the option to reset skills per hero. Ideally this would be free but if you needed to charge Bucks to reset, I’d still be OK with it so that I at least have the ability to get on even footing with other players. This seems like a pretty quick “bank-aid” fix until something more equitable is figured out.
  • Ignore skill levels entirely in power calculations. There’s some merit here as it basically takes away all the incentive to min/max. Could mess with the match-ups though as now there’s no barrier from matching up teams that have maxed skills against those with none at all. But that’s a better situation than the one we are in.
  • Tweak the skills that people find useless right now. The biggest problem is with status effect skills where the timer for things like stun, silence, disorient are locked no matter what the skill level is and there are only very minor incremental gains to bonus damage. At high levels, Clyde’s silver is only useful for the stun which is locked at 6 seconds. Why would I increase it to level 60 when the only change is that bonus damage increase from a couple hundred to 12k for the shot? 12k is a fraction of the health that high-gold heros have. It’s a terrible trade off for 12k damage that I might get to use once or twice in the match versus being outmatched in overall team health/damage from matchmaking. Why not tie the effect duration to skill level to? 6 seconds should be what can be attained at level 60, not level 1. People would be more incentivized to boost that skill if the stun started at .1 seconds (bascically just enough to stagger) and it scaled an additional .1 seconds per point invested. Same thing with Mandrakes silver. The only useful part of that skill is turning invisible (which is indefinite which is a whole other problem), Why not make it 10 seconds of invisibility at level 1 and add 1 second per point?

And for an „investigation“ you just have to go through the „top players“ of the running tournament …a lot of 9*/10* chars with 1/1/60…1/1/0…1/60/21… but that just might be a coincidence, I guess…where are you guys looking for clues ? :slight_smile:

Well, for CC is as easy as other collectible hero games do. Your skill has a 100% chance to cause CC to enemies of the same level. So a lv 60 silence will silence always, any enemy. A lv 30 silence would have a 100% chance to silence enemies of lv 30 or below, and the higher the enemy level, the less chances of silencing.

This could mean that a 1/1/60 Clyde, would have like 0% chances of stunning a lv 60 enemy with his silver. That would encourage leveling up CC skills without making them useless on early game or utterly broken on later levels


Another day, another reminder…a mate from my alli made a new account to test the advantage of underskilling and got top ten in the lowlevel tournament even if the other players had two days more in the competition…
I just don’t get it why you guys are sticking so badly to this obviously abusable system. Are those players the ones cashing the most, so you wouldn‘t harm your cashcows? Are you playing that way by yourself? I just don’t get it. It is such a great game you created, why has the best part of it to suffer from such a pain-in-the-as-matchmaking system? Some players of my old alli allready quit, just because of this, it‘s so sad :confused:

I don’t understand, to be honest. There is a simple solution that doesn’t involve any rebalancing issues: do not take skills levels into account for matchmaking.

If you use a level 50 hero with 1/1/21, you shouldn’t get an advantage of 1 star or 1 bar (gear). Getting punished for leveling our heroes shouldn’t be a thing. On the other hand, being punished for not leveling our heroes sounds logical (your 1/1/50 Clyde could be matched against another Clyde with 50/50/50, and both Clydes would weight the same power score, so yours is “handicapped”)

this is what you all sound like right now tbh

since we have so many professional game designers up in here, maybe you guys should go make your own game to change and rebalance as and when you please?

i’m sure HH has taken all our feedback into consideration and is working on a solution. you can’t expect things to change at the snap of your finger just because YOU think it’s a surefire fix for the problem.

tl;dr stfu and let the devs do their job


Well, forums are there to talk and discuss politely. We are talking and discussing politely. Meanwhile, you are being rude. If someone should stfu, I think it should be you :slight_smile:

tl;dr stfu and let the people use the forums

We’ve come to a conclusion on this topic. The solution we’ve settled on is similar to ones suggested in this discussion. I can’t provide a date for it’s release but I will make an announcement giving details on the change and it’s impact to player. We look forward to discussing the details with you then!