Pvp miss match

Talking about mismatching problems?

It’s just terrible Matchmaking, it gets even worse when it comes to bars.

Stop what exactly? Terrible Matchmaking or Stoping people who manipulate game flaws?
Player’s are not the problem, you can’t blame players for this, when a game allows you to do that then it’s a broken system, broken Matchmaking and for a game that PvP is one of the most important things on it, having that terrible matchmaking makes the game broken.

I was playing a Battle Royal game that day and a player killed our squad using wall hack, did we said screw him? No we said screw this game for allowing player’s to do that.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game, in Hero Hunters is even worse and more ridiculous, cuz you don’t need to install other apps for cheating, the game itself allows player’s to cheat and manipulate the system and matchmaking barely give them any punishment.

I’m sure devs will always work on matchmaking, but it’s so unfortunate to see it’s not getting any better. I actually remember time that matchmaking was doing really good job with punishment but now? It’s worse than ever and so frustrating for players who play the game as it meant to be played.

And you are Wrong, can’t have fun playing PvP with this terrible system.