Sewer map visuality bug

Finally managed to screen shot this, cause I’ve had this problem a few times and I was on the winning hand so enough time to do it

As you can see there’s a bar through my screen. Taking away my sight, this sometimes happens in the middle of the back row and it’s kinda annoying, hope you can fix this viewing Problem.

Thanks for your time

Ive seen this bug on the port map, while standing on top of one of the containers.

I had a similar experience. Don’t know which map it was because it never loaded and I exited out.

Also had a game in the subway where the heroes were all floating. That was hilarious, even though I lost :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve seen this in the Bounty Map, mainly the one which Mandrake, Cast, Baron and a couple of others tend to appear on.

Hey guys,

Please email our Player Support team as we can’t handle these issues on the forum :slight_smile:

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