Trying to get the alliance full, with like-minded players who are active. We don’t have strict requirements, but we’d prefer those who are level 70, with 300k+ team power, and are willing to grow with us. Shoot me a pm if you’re interested, thanks
p.s. alliance hoppers/slackers beware
still recruiting, got 5 spots. don’t be shy now
Recruiting again, got 5 spots.
New Reqs’: Level 70+ (Preferably level 85), 400k+ total team power, 750+ million in bounties (although everyone should strive for a billion, even two if you think it possible), and gotta be truly dedicated and respectful. Feel free to invite anybody you know, too, if they fit this criteria and need a good home. Thanks.
buh buhh, bump.
Still recruiting, we’re lacking like 9 spots I think. The power requirement has increased to 450k & higher, but the bounty req dropped. We expect that you try to do what you can, but a minimum of 500 million every bounty should be achievable I guess; we aim to be a top 200 alliance sometime at least.
P.S. overachievers are very much welcome here
I can reach the bounty, have the team level requirement but only a 280k power team. Is that still ok or “get out of here dude”?
“Get out of here dude”? I’d never say that man, that’s rude lol
I do appreciate your interest, but unfortunately I gotta stick to the prerequisites we put in place, so your power would be a little too low. On the bright side, if you can do at least 500 mill with that team power, tons of places would be willing to have ya for sure.
I wish you good luck in your search, man
Naw, got a clan with a bounty min of reward tier 8 and patrol crate of plat. No requirements. The only is that u have to be always available to do coop trades. I am still searching for somewhere higher, but just asking