Hello Hunters!
I hope your Friday is going well and you already got Barrel.
We have some good news and some not-so-good news. The not-so-good news is that the connection issue with Co-op and PvP is still ongoing.
The good news is that our amazing team is working around the clock to fix it.
Since the update is now out, so are the events and some of them may be affected by this problem. If we are unable to fix the issue before the first Co-op and PVP events start and they get affected, we will make sure that you get a chance to play for the rewards after the problem is resolved. So, no worries about lost opportunities. We won’t let that happen!
With that being said, here are the upcoming events
Please keep in mind that this schedule may be updated due to the connection issues.
Into The Dojo Coop Raid
August 20 - September 2
War Season
August 22 - August 26
Vanguard Solo Raid
August 22 - August 26
Solo PVP Blitz!
August 23 - August 25
PVP Tournament: Barrel and Valkyrie
August 23 - August 25
Paladin Coop Raid
August 25 - September 1
Barrel and Valkyrie Bounty Blitz!
August 26 - August 29
Bounty Event
August 26 - August 29
Brawl: Faction Fight
August 26 - August 29
Thank you for your patience and support!
See you in-game!