Update 8.4

:sparkles: Skins:

NEW! Mythic: Altera “Sublime”
NEW! Mythic: Morrigan “Wicked”

:sparkles: Featured Factions:

KLG Black Ops

:sparkles: Events:

  • Blitz events
  • Bounties
  • PvP Tournaments
  • New PVP Season
  • Co-op Raids
  • Alliance Wars
  • Ethereal Raid
  • Extreme Raid
  • Halloween Scavenger Hunt

:sparkles: Hero changes:

Alina’s recoil intensity between shots has been diminished to properly match the hero attack speed, and to increase its accuracy.

:muscle: Buffed Heroes:

Cyber, Slurp, Elite Rifleman, Silhouette, Altera :point_right: Hero Buffs 8.4

:gear: BUG FIXES & MISC.:

  • “Delete” request button linked to our Customer Service platform.

Confused, who gonna be 3x in war this time?

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Alina isn’t top5 anymore :roll_eyes:
You guys decreased her power from 57k to 55k. Correction costed 2k decreased power…

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Likely Ravager because he’s on the loading screen, but just making an educated guess

That’s what i know. I am confused because on google play, it saying ravanger and stygia. So wondering there going to be two 3x this time like 2 new mythic :joy: