I know there have been many similar posts like this, but hopefully this one will be a bit different than the rest.
After being able to talk with Muninn a bit in Vip Chat about new skins, and suggesting a couple new ninja skins for the game , he suggested we go to the forums and start a thread, where can we vote on what hero we think should have a new skin.
Instead of suggesting skins, or showing ideas and concepts, lets have this discussion be focused on who we to have with a new skin, compared to what skin we want them to receive.
So… without further ado, let’s discuss and vote on which heroes we would like to see receive a new skin in the future.
I would have made it a physical poll to vote on, but it won’t allow me, as it can only hold 20 options.
What heroes do you want to see get a new skin?
You can write your response in the comments below. Any feedback is appreciated. Just remember to try and avoid suggesting actual skins, as the Devs can’t use fan concepts. Hopefully the feedback gathered from thread can be of use in the future.
I’m all in for any hero. Though callidus would be awesome to have a skin that for example enhqnces her survivability in pvp as she often gets murdered straight off because there’s not enough healing at the start
Considering she is the face of a lot of simulator and story-line driven narratives, Min is heavily due for a skin, maybe something more pertaining to a community theme due to her development in that area.
Also, Caine could use a skin as well (cough cough and a unique voice line cough cough). He strikes me as a hero who has enough of a presence to deserve a more unique presentation.
While all recent heroes can get their rare skins through co op, why not make all ‘older/previous’ heroes have their own rare skin?
(too many past heroes to be mentioned here)…
And please make the nano dust useful again…
(back then we could buy legendary and rare skins using it)