Guys I have An idea to make bounty more interesting
Every Alliance should have its own bucks saving account and those bucks CO and Xo and officers can use in Bounty summon and Every member of Alliance can transfer bucks in that account time to time according to requirement of Alliance
This thing can make this Game more intersting and those who got bored of same pattern of Bounty can feel revive
Because some players dont summon and claim like they did the most
Or we CO has an option to check numbers of Summons done by Alliance member
Good idea. But i have suggestion that bedsides co xo and officers everyone in the allience can access the bank for summon. becouse what if any allience have member rank player in allience he want to hit bounty but can’t summon becouse of its rank.and bank is only used for summon not for any other activity .
Yup, every officer should be able to summon using that bucks. CO and XO cant be there whole day doing that.
Yes I think this is better idea because some players don’t summon and claim they did the most lol
For the sake to change this could be better idea because summons are main issue we face in Bounty
The issue from this would be those same people wouldn’t summon at all at that point and others would stop as well thinking it should all come from the bank. War coins would be an awesome idea as a community bank.
The first time someone mis-taps and donates all of their Bucks or War Coins to the bank, and realizes they’re not refundable, you’ll wish the feature never existed.
That said, I’ll pass the feedback on to the team. Thanks!
Or as patrol shows the number of rushes; Maybe show each member’s number of summons
Yes at leAst we must have an option to check who did summons or who didn’t
I love the idea bro. But definitely all the officers to use the bank, incase the CO isn’t online to summon.
Just need to give some extra rewards as a completing gauntlet mission they are directly going in the buck bank so automatically buck bank will get bucks no one needs to load bucks on bank Manually and players will be happy with extra gauntlet buck rewards.
The first time someone realizes their bucks are being garnished for being in an Alliance…
Will pass the feedback along, thanks.
How about a feature for us to see how much each members have spent on summons so that we can set the minimum on that along with bounty damaged dished.
Hope they provide us this feature…it would be fun in bounty after that
From what i’m reading, this is kind of a tax?
Introducing the ALLY-TAX and the ALLY-BANK. (i’m still working on the names)
Where the Leader can set a TAX that everyone had to pay!
The CO and OFFICERS can “borrow” hard worked money from the ALLY-BANK with the excuse “the ally need to grow me bois”.
And if you complain “OH-OH… BYE BYE!”
“€&@?§$₩€&£#” - ROTTEN POTATO
“Help, I mortgaged my house for staying in a virtual alliance” - ME
it’s irony, laugh
I’m going to throw an idea that is kinda of related. Have a community Bank for the stamina recharge for bounty. I have a bunch and I don’t know what to do with my. Of course I can use it but I think it would be best for my team mates to use some.
Agree on this one. I’ve got 300+ but i barely use them
What do you have in mind for dealing with bucks donated from players who left the alliance
Not left one’s but those who are there during Bounty they can deposite because i felt as CO some players dont summon during Bounty
Good alliance with good team members always do their part with honesty.
Co don’t even need to doubt on members that some are just not helping his/her alliance with their bucks & don’t even need to ask them for summoning.
Btw, Lappo put some extra efforts to post a comment on this topic:)