Community Clash Event! Enter now!

Name: Sr Sparda

Team Name: Summoner’s Attack

Team Composition: Castellan, Hivemind, Halloway, Halo, Mandrake

Team Description: All the invokers of offensive technology, combined with the ability of Halo that leaves the attacks of their pets with a new face! And the best of all this is that they attack while their owners become invisible recovering!


Name : lilasskickr

Team name : Nemeses

Team composition : Cross, Beck, Phalanx, Hideo, Cast (where they the first five campaign hero’s?)

Team description : Don’t you remember? Revenge is sweet.



Team name: retro hip-hop punk rock team.

Team composition: Siren, Maven, Cross (rare look), Flatline (rare look), Francoise.

Team description: this team is the most stylish and cool. hippie treats and drinks a lot, and hardcore is just killer.IMG_20190522_032018


Name: Moakie
Team Name: We are Legion!
Team Composition: Hivemind, Halloway, Castellan, Hardscope, Min
Team Description: All of the game’s heroes that bring their own army with them. This team has all the drones, holograms, and turrets you can handle. Bringing a full force of 13 targets on the field, you will be overwhelmed!


Name: The Green Goblin
Team Name: Tear down the wall
Team Composition: Matador, Cinder, Kobold, Butter, Keel
Team Description: Tearing down the walls of separation. Uniting new friends with bullets and bio bombs.

Name: the death of life
Team name: the walking annihilation wave
Team composition: Phantasm prophet, timberland mandrake, alchemist moss, heartbreaker flatline, savage claus all plat+3
Description: death has sent his strongest to prove his worth. They will destroy anything in their way. You shall not survive

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Name: Spartan7889
Team Name: Blue Spartans
Team Composition: Matador, Sentry, Flatline, Cast, Cross.
Team Description. Rough and tumble but ready to fight and last till the end.

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Name: Kitler
Team Name: Gods of Galantis
Team Comp: Galante, Galante, Galante, Galante, Galante
Description: When an unstoppable force and an immovable object combine


Name: Scrashy
Team Name: Chips n’ Butter
Team Composition: Butter, Halo, Sentry, Nightingale, Cross
Team Description: No matter how vulnerable the core 4 are, these chips will never get chipped because Butter is here to save the day! Pour a little butter on these chips and that’s a guaranteed ‘Buttery’ win for your team!


Name: Rhaegar I
Team Name: Vrasës of Libertatem
Team Composition: Hideo, Halo, Siren, Mandrake, Kobold
Team Description: More than a team a brotherhood, united by one goal: the liberation of the world. A group of selected killers willing to bring peace and prosperity to the world even if the enemy’s blood must be shed, the end justifies the means.

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Name sharpwarchief
Team dogface, meaven, matador, mandrake, cinder
Team description. Boses are coming to you baby
Team name. Bohemien

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Oh man, I get to have a chance to be relevant! Here goes…!

Name: L U R K E R
Team Name: The Operators
Team Composition: Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, and Operator (but this one has a bridal gown).
Team Description: there is no Godlante - there is only Operator.

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Name: Sir Blumpkin
Team Name: Super Smash Bros
Team Composition: Jarek, Hideo, Fischer, Matador, Ronin
Team Description: These Liberated brothers come from a Heroes Syndicate of fallen warriors! You better get out of their way or they will put you in bed!

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Name: Nyriswintersteel
Team Name: Wesson Law Givers
Team Composition: Colonel Wesson, Panzer(skinned), Halloway(skinned), Oracle, Baron(skinned)
Team Description: Kneel before the new overlord of this city! his loyal comrades will blast you good if you dare to challenge his ambition!


Name: PoseidonDX
Team Name: Who loves Invis? / Wait is this even Legit?! / No, this is insane!
Team Composition: DOUBLE Mandrake, Sapphyr, Fischer and Min
Team Description: This is not even funny, Double Mandrake, Sapphyr, Fischer and Min ensure that it’s a neverending game of hide-and-seek. Your aim must be true and you have very little time. Do you go for sniping headshots, do you rely on burst damage skills to punch through Min’s shields, or do you simply… give up? Your call, soldier!


Name: PoseidonDX
Team Name: Do you even Lift, bro?
Team Composition: Bucket, Jarek, Surge, Double Kunoichi
Team Description: These heroes are here to pump weights. The weights are… YOU. Once you’re up in the air, Kunoichi will take you down. Don’t get your hopes up in passing this stage, most likely… you’re coming down with a CRASH.

Name: Antibus

Team Name: Nerf

Team Composition: Panzer, Panzer, Ronin, Fortress, Yaeger. (Platinum, 5 bars and his true power)

Team Description: the elite of HH, the best offensive heroes who, by their great power, were limited by the tears of their rivals.

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Name: Aries0083
Team Name: UBasic
Team Composition: Maven,Cinder,Matador,Surge and Nightingale
Team Description: These are the guys that everyone can level up easily if they chose! The punk, The flame dancer, The angry man, The scientist and the nurse!

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Name: RossLi
Team Name: Kurtz And Evil Twin
Team Composition: Kurtz, Flatline, Flatline, Mandrake, Mandrake
Team Description: Kurtz and his Evil invention. Duo invisibility and revival.

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Team Composition: Kunoichi, Flatline, Butter, Mandrake, Kobold
Team Description: Catch Me if You Can!

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