So no egg hunt this year? I don’t think I’d ever say this. But I miss hothead
Please Upgrade the Skin Crate which hasn’t been Updated for ages. Me and so many were not able to get so many of new hero which HH just dropped on us in a year, and although by buying Hero or other Crates we are able to unlock them, but still all those Rare Skins are not available to either unlock in Skin Crates or not possible to buy. Hero’s’ Rare skins like: ARGON(STYGIA), WAR DEALER( VERRIL), DIE-HARD FAN( REVENANT), …. Let us have them as we did just a little time to unlock them in 2021 and basically has become a once in a life time opportunity, unless if some one gets lucky by getting Sinn Token from Most Wanted crates and het the same missing Rare Skins which personally I didn’t have that privilege. Please either sell the Skin or Skin Token separately or just add them to long over due in need of Upgrade Skin Crates. Cheers
So you’re ok with the developers not updating the game in a proper time and keeping up with the calendar? So basically by your logic Deca shouldn’t even post a calendar and just keep us int the dark
The complainers here are definitely in the minority as there’s only a handful of them while there’s thousands of others still playing this game and waiting patiently for the update.
I’m one of the people who actually doesn’t need an update every month. Events are needed but a new character every month isn’t necessary. Put resources into new game modes in the near future. That’s what the player base needs. My closest friends in the game are bored of the monotony this game provides. A new character doesn’t change that monotony.
Wow that was a HUGE leap. To answer your first question, yes I’m ok with it because I understand the nature of the relationship. Their only obligation to keep this game running is to their investors. If they tank this game they will have to explain why they paid millions for a game with a huge loyalty base and then let it die.
Now for your huge leap in your assumptions; I know that griping on a public forum isn’t the place to try to get changes to happen by verbally assaulting the developers.
Next. it’s a game, it doesn’t consume that much of my life that leaving the game (I’m over 6 years in and play daily) would be the end of the world.
By my logic, they can do whatever they want because they can literally do whatever they want. If they decided to shut the servers down for a week or two to fix this and stop dealing with complaints while they fixed the coding and timelines, then they would be well with in their rights. They also have no obligation to run anything the way HHG ran. If you’ve played for more than 3 years you will remember that we didn’t always have a monthly update with a new hero. That came as HHG was trying to save the game from dying. We used to get an update every other month or even once a quarter. They were bigger and contained more but were better polished. When HHG started dropping 2 heroes per month, it was clear they were running out of content and were dumping a ton into the game.
HHG pumped too much currency into the in game economy and flooded it with too much new content to boost their player numbers and inflate the books. Seeing the way they managed the game before the sale my assumption is that HHG padded the books and the game to make the sale and DECA is trying to clean it up.
So my true logic goes like this; they have no legal obligation to me and I don’t have a contract for their performance, I have agreed to play this game and be bound to their policies for the PERMISSION to play their game as I do not OWN any of the content, they have no obligation to run this game the way HHG did, I love the game so I will be patient to see what DECA will do with it, and if they tank the game I will leave and yes I’m ok with leaving.
But the thing that gives me hope to wait at least 6-9 months with DECA is the power of the almighty dollar. DECA does not want us to leave, they want us to stay, and they want us to watch more ads and pay for stuff. I expect changes that increases their bottom line revenue. That will be quality content that excites players and triggers the addictive centers of the brain, micro transactions to get us to buy more in game content, and more ad opportunities.
So instead of whining and crying “DECA, why arent you doing the same thing that HHG did and continue to water down the game?!?!” I’m waiting with anticipation to see what they will do to fix the game and give it new life. If they take too long I will find something else and that’s bad for them, they dont want that.
That was one hell of a speech. But some true words. I appreciate you taking time to make this and stay so formal and neutral
Personally I’m of the mindset that no calendar or reignites should be posted until deca can commit to it properly and within repeatable time frames. It’s better to promise nothing and be surprised then be promised and let down over and over
Clearly DECA took over a huge mess. I know only a little about coding and even I could tell how bad HHG did. I think, certainly, patience is needed. That being said, when you do nothing and have nothing for extended periods of time, people will leave. My alliance has had several people leave (not all because of the lull). That isn’t good for us as players and definitely not for DECA and the game. They need to find a happy medium. Co-Ops seem to be working, so maybe throwing out multiple Co-Ops at a time with older heroes. Let some of the newer players get some frags from older heroes to help build their rosters. I have all heroes 10*, so it doesn’t help me, but many others can use it. Bounty seems to work. Throw that out more consistently for us to do. I am with you in that we don’t need new heroes now, but even those little things are better than nothing. Whatever they do doesn’t need to be substantial, but give us a little.
You contradicted yourself when you said you’re ok with waiting for events and wanting events. Seems you’re more whining about the whiners than anything. It’s just said Deca can’t keep up with this game and too many people suck up to them for some odd reason. They came to bring games back to life in fact they are doing the opposite. I love how everyone felt bad for them the first update because they can’t get the coding right. Now the second update is almost a month late and people will miss the hunt event. What’s the excuse now for this months update? Also the fact they sent the opposite of what Hh had been doing with the last hero that’s a 7* which hasn’t happened since Hh did away with the coop frag limits and you’re ok with that as well?
I agree and thank you for the constructive criticism. That kind of stuff is helpful to devs and players. It gives people a chance to voice their opinions and concerns. Mindless griping that is being ignored was the basis for the post.
Lol you really like to make your pointless speeches, not wasting my time reading that drown out nonsense. The point is Deca is doing a piss poor job of managing this game since they’ve taken over and the fan boys such as yourself are dwindling
Especially the bounties… the weaker ones can really use the rewards to boost their line ups
Thought you were done responding? Sad you can’t stick to what you say
And I thought you weren’t going to read it. Two peas in a pod. I apologize for engaging with you. That was my mistake. I assumed (and now look like a fool) that you wanted to have an intelligent conversation. It was my mistake for assuming that.
Thanks for showing you just want to be right. So here you go. You’re right. You win. I hope you have a great life.
That was the toughest Easter Scavenger Hunt of all time. The community could not find a single egg.
It amazes me theres no response to why the hunt hasn’t started yet, so hasn’t it means there’s no update again for the second time again. Seems Deca doesn’t care
They answered the hunt thing on Discord. The hunt can’t happen without the update. No ETA for the update, the hunt is still planned according to their last Q&A session.
Having in mind how its going its most likely gonna be Halloween hunt lol. If we are lucky
Clearly thats what? Dog years??? Not two months ago we got crappy rewards for a 4 year anniversary…ha, how bourgeois
Game exists for around 5 years now. Not more than that.
Oldest player has 1913 days. And i’m sure the game is around that age too.
And i’m sure this person is not Rygel since he has left the game and community years ago