Event Calendar. April 2022

Hmm, 1875 days for me. Seriously, it is ok DECA messed it up and delayed the update. Shits like this happens. However, the lack of communication is shockingly bad.


You are correct, it released Feb of 2017. I didn’t look up the release date just based it on my oldest child’s age. I started playing around that time and thought it started before she was born.

Was this your attempt to point out that I had made a mistake in the age of the game? Not sure who you are or what I can do for you.

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Honestly… hopefully DECA will soon bring the update or a hero spotlight, so that here is once again written to the point and not about things that have less and less to do with the game. Discord is slowly becoming a GIF cinema and here slowly no one knows what he should write where - so people regularly hijack topics for all the topics that come to their mind.
April and the topic April calendar should be completed at least now to the 1st of May.
Have a nice and healthy M😉y.

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