Hello, HotHead. According to the November event calendar, Bounty starts Friday, November 30th, although Bouny was only last weekend. Is that a mistake, do you change to even calendar weeks, or is it planned to bring Bounty every weekend?
Since you found the event calender, you should be able to find out the answers to your questions too. It is not that hard.
Thank you. I’ll take care of it. But I guess answer and no sarcastic posts - according to the motto I should look right myself. There are no stupid questions - only … I know and have the event calendar and if you take a look at it you will see that Bouny stands for this weekend again. But there is nothing in the game menu of the event announcements. Friday is tomorrow. So I ask this question. So can you give an answer that includes a statement to my question?
Since it seems, that you are able to read you should may use this skill and read the event calender thread…
I think HH has changed the rhythm because we would otherwise play on 24.12 (monday), in Germany where you both come from there would hardly play one. Therefore, after the holidays worldwide
Thank you Checkpoint. This is an answer.
@Wallewu. Wenn du Deutscher bist, dann sei so gut und antworte nur wenn du eine Aussage machen kannst. Ich bin keine 12 Jahre alt und halte solche Posts für überflüssig.
Leider die falsche Antwort…
But I am generous, I am going to quote it for you…
ich kenne euch beide, Hamauetak (Gewar) und WalleWu (941 / Bad Boys)
Davon mal abgesehen, Walle meinst du nicht das es nach dem Bounty ende des monats wieder im 2 Wochen Rythmus weitergeht sonst müsste die Woche drauf ja schon wieder eins sein, oder irre ich mich da?
Da das back to back eine Ausnahme ist und es wenig Sinn macht danach 3 Wochen bis zum nächsten zu warten wird es danach im zwei Wochen Rhythmus weiter gehen.
Ich spreche nur ein kleine bischen Deutsch.
Maybe the bounty plan for December?
Ich weiß nichts über den 3rd bounty, obwohl scheint ein bisschen zu viel, da es auf Neujahrstag Eve ist
All we know for sure from the november calendar is that there is a bounty this week-end. We’ll have to wait December calendar if we want something else than guess-work
I hope to have the December Calendar posted shortly! Before December begins.
Was just about to post on another thread, that it’d be great if we could get the monthly Calendar before the month actually begins.