(Values correspond to a maxed hero)
Power changed from 39,375 to 41,454
Damage changed from 55,551 to 63,072
Elemental Damage changed from 52,695 to 54,610
Armor changed from 8,224 to 8,634
Elemental Armor changed from 6,382 to 7,066
Critical Chance changed from 3% to 4%
Damage per Second: changed from 108,246 to 117,682
Damage per Shot: changed from 15,160 to 16,481
(Values correspond to a maxed hero)
Bronze Ability: Healing Shot
No change in ability values, see “additional changes”.
Silver Ability: Rapid Response
No change in ability values, see “additional changes”.
Gold Ability: Triage
Whenever an allied Hero is below 50% they receive an additional 30% Health (was 25%) from all Healing abilities.
Additionally, whenever this Hero Heals an Ally, he recovers 626,237 Health.
The self Heal can only trigger once every 13 Seconds (was 20 Seconds).
Platinum Ability: Synthetic Stimulants
No changes.
Ruby Ability: Supported
A skilled Support Hero can’t help their team if they’re down for the count. This Hero gains 5,475 Armor bonus (was 5,258) and a 30% increased chance to Dodge.
- Increased the Cooldown gain (by hitting enemies) of “Healing Shot” by 12.5%
- Increased the AI chance of casting “Healing Shot” by 30%
- Decreased the Cast Time of “Rapid Response” by 30%
- Increased the AI chance of casting “Rapid Response” by 30%
- Decreased the Cooldown duration of “Rapid Response” to 12 sec
(Values correspond to a maxed hero)
Power changed from 35,843 to 41,241
Health changed from 649,187 to 1,171,900
Armor changed from 5,302 to 6,082
Elemental Armor changed from 3,065 to 5,598
Defensive Mod changed from 1433,75 to 1665
Elemental Defensive Mod changed from 1017,5 to 1850
No changes.
(Values correspond to a maxed hero)
Bronze Ability: Lethal Dose
No change in ability values, see “additional changes” and “bug fixes”.
Silver Ability: Ink Cloud
Tosses a flask of ink that shatters on impact, dealing 130,003 Damage (was 49,456) to all enemies in the targeted area with a 65% chance (was 50%) to Disorientate and a 50% chance to Silence each target for 7 seconds (was 5 seconds).
Gold Ability: Toxic Ink
Whenever an enemy is damaged by [Ink Cloud] they gain a charge of [Lethal Dose] and take an additional 10,590 Elemental Damage per second (value was displayed as 16,336 - more details in the “Bug fixes” section).
Platinum Ability: Ink Master
No changes.
Ruby Ability: Doing Damage
No changes.
- Decreased the Cast Time of “Lethal Dose” by 23.4%
- Decreased the Cooldown of “Ink Cloud” to 15
- Increased the “Ink Cloud” area of effect by 20%
- Decreased the Cast Time of “Ink Cloud” by 34.8%
- Increased the projectile speed of “Ink Cloud” by 60%
- The damage charge “Lethal Dose” received from “Toxic Ink” was lower than it needed to be. This has now been adjusted accordingly.
- There was a visual bug where the Elemental Damage value shown in the skill description of “Toxic Ink” was incorrect. It is now displaying the actual value.
Note: This isn’t a nerf but a fix to a visual bug that was showing an incorrect higher value even though the ability was working with the hidden lower value.
(Values correspond to a maxed hero)
Power changed from 39,560 to 41,250
Health changed from 1,971,192 to 2,002,642
Elemental Damage changed from 23,056 to 30,432
Elemental Armor changed from 4,922 to 5,454
Elemental Offensive Mod changed from 1110 to 1295
Elemental Defensive Mod changed from 1757,5 to 1942,5
Damage per Second: changed from 74,842 to 82,218
Damage per Shot: changed from 3,523 to 3,870
(Values correspond to a maxed hero)
Bronze Ability: Bring It On
Ursus increases his Armor by 19,192 and receives 30% damage reduction (was 25%) while Taunting the enemy team for 15 seconds.
This skill will not charge while it is active.
Silver Ability: Concussive Blast
Shoots a rocket at target enemy dealing 135,004 damage (was 124,247) to anyone in the blast radius and Stunning them for 8 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Gold Ability: Counteroffensive
No Changes.
Platinum Ability: Headstrong
Determined to advance, Ursus gains 516,161 Health (was 353,394). While [Bring It On] is active, this Hero will be immune to most Crowd Control effects.
Ruby Ability: Tanked Up
A Tank’s job in any decent Team composition is to not only soak up damage, but also clear a path for your Heroes. This Hero gains a 3,790 Elemental Armor bonus (was 3,508) and deals an additional 28,346 Damage to Cover.
- Decreased the Cooldown time of “Concussive Blast” to 12 seconds
- Increased the Projectile speed of “Concussive Blast” by 100%
- Increased the radius of “Concussive Blast” by 20%
- Fixed an issue where the skill description of Bronze Ability: “Bring It On” didn’t display the damage reduction value