Hero Spotlight: Luciana (NEW ELEMENT!)

I guess he meant 20k gold for stamina to upgrade her at plat+1 bar, getting a free hero to 8* is not a big deal.
Eagerly waiting for void update.

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I am not, if that is how you feel why don’t you just not spend any money and don’t use her? If everyone does that it would be a bigger impact then you complaining over something they (HH) and all of us already know they are doing.

She takes a lot to upgrade her but mine is platinum on two accounts and it didn’t take that much stamina or gold to do it. Once you get her to platinum then it’s almost pointless to even try anymore, drop rates are one canister a day even after qw all missions her plat canisters are on.

So basicly you agreed with what I said yet didnt? Was a very confusing response, my point was you said you can get her for free which maybe true but when the coop is over and the crate is gone as well there will be no way to get her frags. This game use to have it where f2p could compete. But it’s becoming more and more p2w lately

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It’s like her weapon hits you with a flashbang every time you shoot it

Bro everything they do is to make you spend money so they can make money lol. Everything everyone in the world does is to make money, even your kid that gives you a hug and says love you dad will ask you for money eventually it’s life.

My point is do all you can to get her and level her up for free then if you don’t want to spend money use other heros. There are plenty of players with as many rubies as me at level 100 playing at vip zero level.

She sucks lol hardly does any damage when I use her in pvp

The items drop rate is more than -50%. I think it has been done purposefully to make players spend money.
Only got 8 green canisters and 2 bronze after spending 500 energy. Let not talk about gold, platinum and ruby ones.:man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:


Bro, if she is too much to upgrade then just stop upgrading her and go back to the hero’s you like. If you don’t like the direction they are taking the game then don’t fall into the trap of still investing in this hero while complaining because then they will keep doing it. Boycott the hero with your friends and they will see people aren’t investing and aren’t using her.

For me, I love that she is a grind to star and upgrade outside of pvp she is the only other fun I really have at this point.

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Ok, you have a different point of view as you like to grind a lot. Most of my heroes are upgraded and I cannot do much as I need MK 5 & 6. I have to upgrade her because of bounty.

Pretty sure she will suck in bounty, I have her to platinum on all my accounts tho so we will see. Almost have her ten star on one. :partying_face:

Lol how many accounts do u have Dan

Dude every time I had to hard reset my phone for reasons not game related the game made new accounts. So I just ended up using them and now majority of them are ruby. We have two iPads coming so those will make new accounts as well and I hate that does that.

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Haha I know that feeling oh to well. But I didnt work on mine as well as you have. Sometimes multi accounts seem like a job

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I am curious as to when they will let us know how in the future we can get these fragments. Seems silly we all try to get her then she just sits in the back of the hero list because we can’t add stars to her.

If it will be like this for every hero in the two new groups it seems kinda dull. Like there isn’t really a grind to level them up with stars unless you spend gold so it’s a little disheartening.

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First off solo raids for cannisters at this point is not needed. How is anyone going to beat all levels with just luciana? And then void solo raids you wouldn’t be able to do. This is new elements and not everything is going to be available immediately. When ruby came out did everyone jump from lvl90 to lvl95 overnight? Really it just sets up the next year of updates.

I’m truly interested to see people’s tone towards ff heroes if they become the only heroes of the original elements released. And if mass skin update drops heronium going to go out the door.

Personally my hope is that new elements and ruby cores become the focus of making money and mk6 cores become less botherso me. We haven’t been given a full mk6 item in like 5 updates this is not particularly helpful for those not willing to pay for them… Store changes that everyone has wanted with platinum cells added. Higher level raids would be nice. To me it’s the upcoming updates that are important not maxing out this first one.


I have almost no mk6 cores

What exactly does haste do?

Seems like it speeds of movement and reload maybe. I noticed when she was on my bounty teams my main hero would kill the bounty faster

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