Hero Spotlight: Shivs

I dont have her and I dont have the offer to buy her for $20 cause I sure would lol

And yes I updated a few mins ago and still dont have that offer

He told you that its a offer for only those that have her unlocked already

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That’s just unfair and cruel… I’m up to their 6 on that stupid crate 9k gold gone and no toon that’s so wrong

Is all about the money LoL.

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Yea and after dropping 9k gold and yes i spent the money i cant save gold lol… im done its totally unfair and the percentages dont add up cause i got to teir 6 and nothing but yet i can pull of 1 hero 2 times its all made up numbers

Nobody forces them to buy anything, they can but do not have to. I paid 300 (!) Gold for Shivs. If they came to tier 6, there were certainly some frags and / or heronium for other heroes, so they did not just invest their 9K gold in Shivs. Their inner voice just told them “SHIVS, I HAVE TO HAVE”!


hardness of getting her aside, Shivs’ one mean chick. Deals good dps except to cover (good thing shanks covers that) and the constant dps means anyone damaged and has no way to remove the debuff is in trouble. Hope the next hero(ine) is back to 3* or, if it still a 5*, give us back the booster crate

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That would be illegal for us to do. There are laws regarding disclosing the odds, and if those numbers are incorrect it is illegal.
Its just RNG.

If you think gambling is cruel, dont do it.
Would you go to the casino and waste $9000 on roulette because you didnt hit your number the first 5 times?

Seriously, you made a personal choice. HH did not spend 9k for you.
Dont blame anyone for your inabilty to be patient.

In the ‘throw away the key’ co op… is anyone else experiencing shivs getting stuck in the first wave? I can still shoot but I’m stuck. I’ve tried diff. Load outs, still the same thing.

If you’re talking about being stuck on the far right corner, it happens to other heroes as well. Just play her during the first wave and make sure she is all the way to the left so she can advance to the front for the next wave.

What gold gear is needed to get her to plat?

I really wish the devs were more transparent with these things and stopped trying to make their obvious cash grabs seem like something that benefits the players. I would have a lot more respect for them if they did that. Just tell us you need more sources of revenue to keep funding the game. Most people are realist and will understand.

Instead we get responses about how this is going to be a 5* hero to make the unlock more exciting for new players! Never mind the fact new players are going to have to wait a minimum of 3 weeks to unlock Shiv, unless they pay gold and get really lucky. How is that exciting for new or old players alike when we have already missed using her in a bounty and several PVP events? IT’s not and the excuse to change her just ticks people off.

It’s the same for almost everything changed or released in the last six months. Hey guys, we are going to update Gauntlet for you! Now it’s much harder, the rewards are similar to before, but you can use quick win tickets! Oh wait, it’s an astounding 100 quick win tickets for auto win… meaning you will have to pay gold or cash to get enough tickets to continually quick win. And the new sector 6 and 7 also cost gold if you want to play those, again meaning more money spent on gold. So really how did that event benefit us? Before I spent 5 minutes auto playing my way through on 3x speed and destroyed each sector. Now I spend twice as much time since I can’t keep up with the quick win ticket cost and I have to actually play sectors 4 and 5 since they are tougher. Only certain VIP players benefited since they don’t have to run it 2x.

Instead of churning out 1-2 new heroes a month to get people to spend cash on, why not do something different? I would easily pay a few hundred gold for some awesome rare and legendary skins. Instead of re-colored rare skins give us some cool ones and don’t throw them in yet another RNG crate. Give us some more VIP levels with cool benefits? Actually change up Gorgon Wakes and some of the other raids we have been playing for literally years.


Beautifully said.

I’d like to add one thing though.

The worst part about this worthless garbage explanation is that “new” players aren’t going to be able to unlock Shivs anyway since they aren’t pulling a consistent 8 frags per day from co-ops.

This is pretty par-for-the-course with any freemium games, but HH is especially brazen with the anti-player antics.


This conversation is still going?? Wow, wasnt expecting to last this long. Its the next 100+ post

She’s a pretty bad ass hero… especially in last pvp event… that fast reload is super fun, she’s probably one of the better hero’s released in a long time. I have a feeling they will nerf her unfortunately…and probably when most people have her. Maybe not tho… dev- plz don’t :slight_smile:

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Shes definitely the most op hero in a while. She’s even better than Kurtz. Tbh it’s not even that fun playing with her because it’s just tap tap tap… Match over… most of the time anyway. She definitely needs a nerf but then she’ll be just useless as most other heroes and shank will once again be garbage. Her only benefits are her dps and usefulness with Shank. By adding her they put themselves in a tough position, nerf her and the whole 5star excitement blah blah goes out the window but if they don’t they will have created a new meta that is flat out boring. My opinion anyway.

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Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback! As nothing new is being presented and we’re treading the same ground over and over, I’m closing this. Thanks for your contributions!