Hunter Royale!

April Fools

Get ready to face off against 99 of your greatest foes in Hunter Royale!

A totally original and exciting new game mode coming to Hero Hunters, pits you against 99 other players where the last one alive wins! This is totally a brand new fresh idea that has never been done before by anyone… ever.

Will you take out everyone else and get the Chicken Dinner Royale with Cheese?

Pick your favorite hero from such classics as

  • Butter
  • Pris
  • Galante
  • Elite Rifleman
  • Françoise
  • And More!

Just check out this awesome promotional artwork that I totally didn’t get one of the artists here to whip up with less than a days notice! This is exactly what it will be like in game 100%. Trust me. I wouldn’t lie to you… I miiiiight

See you in the Hunting Grounds!

  • Nikon

So happy its april 1st


Holy cow. Hero Hunters became from a RPG-based game to battle royale? Winner winner chicken dinner folks, get ur best on and brace urself for one of the biggest April Fools prank or the most unique mode there is in Hero Hunters!

(I still think “why the heck is it posted on not any other day but on April Fools?”)

For say, I still can’t think on the way that we can fit 99 PEOPLE into a battlefield. Maybe the characters face off like in PUBG or Apex Legends.

Man all of these royale games.

I’ve been thinking for the last 19 mins when this post arrived, I had a lot of thought going on and honestly, I’ve been thinking how this game could be a spin of Overwatch/Apex Legends. There are certain characters that would not work unless the physics work like Fortnite (guess which heroes I am talking about?) and some just doesn’t work on a royale game. Healers would have a totally different mechanism and a lot of heroes with abilities that benefits the team would be trash in this mode (Ronin sandbaggers, u ain’t ready for this).

BTW, @LordNikon, a great concept that you made (and might with the help of your team artists.)

I only know Fortnite from advertising, and right now I’m wondering how that works for HH. (As PvP or PvE variant) As always I will be surprised …

April fools. Nice
I must have at least 20 characters

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Your forgetting the constant microtransactions and over sexualized characters. Oh! And the constant updates that basically adds new weapons and slightly changes the map every week! That will be sold for free and make millions

Can you simplify it in any way?

Considering that we’re gonna have a hundred heroes soon in the game… it might just work.

A l heure ou beaucoup comme moi se questionnent sur leur avenir dans le jeu, et attendent une vrai evolution qui ne ressemblerait pas a un jeu de plateau des annees 2000, les developpeur choisissent de faire des blagues…j esperes que votre prochaine maj vaut le vraiment la peine, sinon vous feriez mieux de rester serieux et de vous concentrer sur de vraies annonce


nice Jokes. But can u develop it pvp 5vs5… :heart_eyes:

Sortir des vannes pourries un premier avril. Faire un même pvp, avec les mêmes récompenses et autant de problèmes de connexion. Sortir un jeu de plateau revisité en version pas cool, pas de soucis. …
Par contre s’occuper d’un héros dont tout le monde parle depuis un moment, là c’est compliqué…
Et beh…

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Happy Fools Day, everyone!

Such lols. But on a serious note, 5v5 with one player per character would be dope


Do you hear the sound of our servers frying from where you are? lol


Like „mobile legends“ would be nice… :smiley:

So is this a prank or not?

Yes, this was an April Fools post. :laughing: