Best Ever Seen so far
I think Mandy doesnt need a nerf, but I think Chesterfield’s Illuminating Flare should pop people out of stealth
The real problem isn’t mandrake…its the insane amount of damage that heros can put out at the moment. Even tanks can be taken down in under 6 seconds if more than one hero is attacking them. The prophet damage nerf was a good one…but if they nerf drake too hard it will be much more apparent that damage is the real issue.
They got what they wanted, the perfect coop and pve healer/survivor has been nerfed, welcome to PvP matches with only fortress…
For real people… pris and sentry 1 clip Mandrake…
Thanks that the Autoplay PvP players got their way…
To be fair…I don’t notice that much of a difference in the gold ability going off…the slightly longer delay means that it wont save the glass cannons…BECAUSE DAMAGE IS TOO HIGH! But it will still work just fine on everyone else.
Mandrake is also very important in pve, since the bots can literally 1 shot tanks…they need to tone down the damage done in pve and pvp or things are going to get unfun real quick.
Let’s work on developing a hero the entire time you have the game, and then nerf him. Perfect, thank you for ruining the best hero in the game. He is not that hard to beat… just don’t auto battle your PVP matches.
Mandrake didn’t bother me too much, he was annoying when you came up against him in PvP, and sometimes I won and sometimes I lost.
But I think the “nerf” is good, to me it doesn’t seem too harsh, and his skills are still useful. It just stops the abusers.
We just need the “dead skill” loop hole to be closed now…
It doesnt stop the abusers. This was nerfed the wrong way, in my opinion (my Mandrake is just silver, so Im not complaining out of spite).
The problem was his silver skill, not his gold skill. If you didnt kill mandrake before he gets his silver skill, he can (if the player is an abuser), just keep moving while invisible. This, paired with 2-3 healers make him pretty much immortal.
Now they kinda solved this (because you can kill his team easier), but they nerfed a hero that, in my point of view, was just above average. Nothing really strong about him.
All this comes from a month old account, so I could be wrong. Maybe once he is Platinium 60 he is a beast, I don’t know
Running around with his silver is pointless now, that’s all you can do AND you would have to used control him to do that. If you want to spend a minute just going from cover to cover without shooting and using abilties you are probably going to lose that game, doesn’t matter about healers. The problem before was he could use his bronze ability while in stealth and not break it. That was the only change he needed as he could do that multiple times over the course of one silver invisibility.
Nerfing (Esp nerfing to nothingness) is a bad solution to a games like these. Other characters must be buffed or create a true counter.
The real issue with this hero is people exploiting his infinite invisibility on silver to keep running around. Its so hard to kill these ********* (self-censoring)
They just keep moving around to save 1 life, but you risk losing a victory (points in a tournament and 20% of a PvP crate) if you are not able to kill them by yourself (even if your 5 heroes survive, you can only shoot him on manual) because of this.
I agree GTS, I have no idea what that whole…cant charge bronze while stealth thing even mattered…was that ever an issue? The issue is that THE SILVER ABILITY IS INDEFINITE. Why not put at 20second timer on it, and it cant charge while being active? Problem solved.
What the devs might not realize is that drake was EQUALLY important in PVE because of how quickly a hero can die…in fact I have seen full tanks die from 100-0 before matador can finish his heal cast time (3 seconds).
Everyone runs drake because THEY HAVE TOO. Damage far far out-scales hp as you get higher up in pwr. Simply put there needs to be a big HP increase across the board…when a drake with (highest armor in the game) and really good Hp can be burned down in under 5 seconds by other tanks you have an issue… even with both phalanx and heimlock on your team, your heroes will die before Heimlock can even activate his heal (around the 35second mark).
To put pvp into perspective…over 30% of my matches last 30seconds or less…50% under 1 minute, and the rest are just drag out healer pew pew.
Step 1: Fix the power calculation system
Step 2: seriously increase defenses of heroes across the board (15-30%)
Step 3: nerf AOE healing such as gammond’s serve and protect (-15 to 25%)
Step 4: make single target healers viable in both pvp and pve…at the moment only nightengale functions properly and has too little hp to reasonable stay alive in either mode. AND give all the single target heals “heals the weakest ally” just like operator because targeting is really really difficult to do.
Step 5: step back and assess.
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