May 2019 Update Notes (COMING SOON)

Weird, I dont see where you took matador out of the gauntlet store but… hes not in there?


devs? What does the new hero in 23 days mean in the pvp store?

  • Are the other shops random heroes also? Hope for a response

My thoughts

  • Ronin change is unnecessary, fix his platinum, that’s the problem
  • The problem with Sapphyr and Calli is their low health, nothing more
  • Yageer changes went to far, if you just reduced the shield charging time (when it’s active) that would be enough.
  • Happy to see Galante received some love
  • Maven’s sister is COOL, can’t wait to unlock her
  • Intro poster is Great, really liked it
  • I’m not fan of PvP and Gauntlet store changes.
  • Glad to see chat is back, Thank you.

And final thought:

  • May I know how did you manage to miss the Kurtz bug’s?
    It wasn’t but It is unacceptable now, you guy’s did see the thread about him, him being extremely OP, full of bug’s that it will crash the game for both parties, how could you miss that?

I don’t have Artemis so I can’t speak much about her, but she’s not a healer, is she? It’s not fair to call someone who is a healer for a “cheap rip-off” when they have different roles. Artemis is all about DPS as I understood it. And very fragile. With a bow and arrow.
Briar tries to keep alive by passive healing, and can heal team mates. Other than that they both are bio and rear-line (correct me if I’m wrong) they don’t share many similarities enough to say that one of them is a rip-off of the other.
I’m hoping that I can one day unlock her from the custom crate, the odds are soon 3% but I keep betting Hardscopes instead each week. :smiley:

yeah, not a fan at all of the random stores. We have to be able to plan who we 10* at least a little bit.


Anyone know when can we start getting siren frags?

Probably when second rang+merc bounty starts

Why the change in Briar frags in the co op again? Back to only get a few frags rather than amount we had in the first half of the co op!


I hope she’ll be available to buy before that! This is the first time, I THINK, that I haven’t been able to straight away buy the new hero.

Wasn’t missed, just hard to fix and is being worked on.

Gauntlet Store Updates

Halloway will be replacing Ronin in the Gauntlet Store.

Why is it random. Changing hero’s since removal of Dogface was ok with knowing how long you had to choose one of the 3 to farm. Are you trying to make it impossible to 10*?

PvP Store Updates

Moss and Bolt will be replacing Anvil and Ghoul in the PvP Store.

Same deal. Why is this a glitch?

Also there is nothing wrong with Ronin’s platinum skill. It takes skill to use the right team, it’s easy to beat with the right team, and many people do it wrong.

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Maybe I mispoke, or it was misunderstood. The balancing isn’t in the hands of a new new guy. It is someone that has been on the team for a while, just new in terms of working on the heroes and balancing them. This is also their first hero balance so lets cut them some slack, the systems at play in our game are complicated with over 70 heroes to look into to see how they all play together.

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It’s complicated enough to synergize heroes, I can’t imagine how difficult it is to rebalance them.

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They replaced anvil and ghoul, not great heroes, with MOSS and BOLT. Highest headshot damager and heaviest healer IN THE WHOLE GAME. Why are you complaining?!? I’m really excited! It gives nice opportunity to grind out multiple good heroes, and newer ones move in every now and then. I’m confused why you are mad.


My sentiments exactly. I think, in that regard, it’s a good change.

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You mean they change every time you refresh the stock. Which means you have less than a month to grind out frags in the gauntlet or pvp store . It’s almost impossible to 10* anyone or get heronium.

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Moss and Bolt were only just added. Let’s do some basic math.

There are 10 heroes in the PvP store. If the devs replace 2 per month, that’s 5 months before Moss or Bolt would be moved out. PvP can be played indefinitely, therefore THEORETICALLY you could earn unlimited PvP gems if you NEVER lost. As that never happens, the average daily PvP gems earned varies.

PvP store can be reset, what, 5 times? I’m VIP 2, so I don’t know what level ups that. If you were the god of luck, you could get 50 frags per hero a day, mid luck 25, and if you were the unluckiest, 15 frags a day, depending on appropriate PvP gems amount you own. For sake of speculation, we will use the mean of the frags offered.

50 + 25 + 15 = 90

90/3 = 30

A dedicated PvP player could get around 30 frags per day, depending on a few variables such as funds, luck and PvP game skill and luck. If each month has an average of 30.5 days (halfway between 30 and 31 to compensate) we can find about how many a player can get per month and the probable 5 month span 2 certain heroes are in the store.

30.5 * 30 = 915 per month

915 * 5 = 4575 per 5 months

That however, is more of a better case scenario. Due to everyone having lives, not enough time nor funds allows for that.

Theoretically, however, it’s possible to heavily grind ONE hero efficiently from PvP store.

Every month they been replacing one hero in gauntlet. Each element gets three months. Yet every month people start flipping out.

spoiler alert!!!

Next month Kobold will be replaced

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Gauntlet changes more so than PvP. Will be sad to see kobold go, but it doesnt bother me.

I think you’re misunderstanding. PvP and Gauntlet stores now randomize their stock with every refresh. Try it yourself. Moss and Bolt are the only two that stay available and they will be changed in one month. The rest shuffle randomly every time you restock the store.