May 2019 Update Notes (COMING SOON)

Restock the gauntlet store and see what happens. They’ve completely redone how PvP and Gauntlet stores work.


Yup and I like it! Everyone has a chance to focus on who they want :slight_smile:

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Lol, what? Now you are got absolutely random hero each time. So you don’t focus on who you want. You even don’t focus on any hero instead 2 fixed. All you have now it’s phantom chance of 8 from 71 hero, lol. So up someone now it’s really almost impossible. And don’t have a sense. Because on the next mouth hero is change and you will have only same phantom chance see this hero again and buy heronium.

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Oh, really?! So original Panzer was non broken too. Hey, devs, how about buff her to ver.1.0 status?

Oh, god. Again the “I wish I were an HH employee Matsoba”.

Just don’t waste your time with him/her. It’s like trying to arguee with a wall. Every single mistake we found into the game, he/she tries to fix it with words, even when devs are aware of that mistake.

Btw, now Yaeger is useless. Good luck activating his plat skill 'cause once you’ve charged it, Yaeger has been dead for 10 seconds. Good job there, HH devs.

Also, I would like to ask or comment about the radical changes y’all do to new heroes, which I don’t think is fair and also I guess it should be recongnized as scam. Why?

It’s not fair to buy a 30 bucks hero in order to get good scores at bounty, and that’s all. Cause, let’s be honest. How many of the last 30 heroes you’ve launched are competitive in PVP? 4? 5?

What you do? You lauch a week hero for bounty, once you get enough bad vibes you buff it and one month later, once you’ve got enough money from that hero (new heroe, plat 3-5, upgrade its skills, upgrade it at least at 6-7 stars, etc) you make it useless with a killer nerf.

Ah… I see now. Haven’t done a reset yet. This is definitely done to stop heronium farming. I guess a lot of people aren’t spending money to buy gold to upgrade as much is that used to.

You lost me I don’t understand what you are trying to say but it seems off topic for this discussion so another flagging

@Matsoba you’re annoying, you never spend a buck in this game?

we see bugs every update and seeing that this game is dieing, those great gold deals are just a way to make us spend a few last bucks on the game.

Most of the people responding are nice veterans of the game who look out for everyone, but right now I’m not a nice veteran, I’m already spending more money then 95% of the people.

so I have to pay 100$ to get the same value as a non spending player.

Every update they break the game more, bounty has been broken since forever, 80% since the new start, now AW is broken, my chat is still broken.

I don’t mind spending 200/300 € each month, but if I spend this much I expect some basic features to work, I won’t be the first person to tell Hothead to fix their stuff, but right now you’re all pushing out the spending players who spend over 2k-10k in the game.

If you lose this big group this game is done, and money will dry up.

So I’m not going to be positive until simple stuff, we’ve been asking for over a year is fixed, gorgon, gauntlet, actual chat fixes, PvP mismatch, PvP XP, useless hero’s, abusing the system who punish players who play normally, etc etc.


First and last warning. Feel free to disagree about game systems, but I’ll be handing out lengthy bans to anyone who continues making this personal.


I honestly think having moss and bolt in the pvp store is a great idea. Also, I’m happy they added the time that the hero will be available before they’re swapped out. Allows for planning and wise use of resources. Not sure about the randomization, especially when you are aiming to focus on one single hero.

I will have to use Yaeger to see how his changes affect his skills, but hopefully the Mach 10 plat will still be possible to fully utilize. I’m pretty happy with the update overall.


its not random. Kobold and Matador were the latest 2 so it indeed is Ronin’s turn.

You guys said replacing ghoul and anvil in pvp store. Not removing flatline, hardscope, and sentry. Where are they at? Also gauntlet replacing ronin fine but ya replaced them all. Changes don’t bother me much if they are expected but there are changes that are misinformed or not informed on at all.

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@Gordie_Schroeder the question is…

…did you make it to work? :thinking:


Looks like this has been communicated and I missed it. Sorry for a post that really wasn’t needed than.

Lmao yeah I did make it work. Totally didn’t see that in the pic I took. :joy::joy:

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lol okay. gotta get 2 work! :rofl:

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HH did not warn of that change. very bad by them for not providing that information to the user (us). a bad strategy on their part. an insult to us from them.


When will you get it the developers don’t care. I even informed them about heronium store glitches and they just say too bad. I even posted about it in feedback and it gets marked as “spam” which is complete nonsense. Use to love this game but the way it’s heading I’m really disappointed. Even when I was vip 0 the gold piggy bank was 3.99 for 300 goal. Now vip 3 and it’s 600 gold for 11.99. How in what world is that a good deal?

I’m not one to complain about things, I completely understand how companies try new things to see if they work. But the new stores are complete garbage… I hate to say it like that but I have to say it has got to be the worst move done to date… I get the point of how " it helps get frags" for harder to get characters but the whole point to farm Heronium is to get the class frags to then use on those hard characters. I could explain more but it’s hard to type a solid and proper response on my phone. Out if everything you can change… Please change back the STORES! Thank you!


I don’t care if you find me annoying, i sm here and it’s my right to post
Why so interested in my wallet? You asked before and once i told you I am vip 14.
Yes there ate bugs

Right you not a nice veteran, you’re mean and acting like a overlord. Delete the game you hate?
Spending is not giving you the right to be “not nice” you’re just sufferings from buyers remorse Which in itself is a sign that you need to think about spending on a app which will change and will get bugs

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