@Deathleech, I hear feel for you man, likewise, most times I min max I get matchup up with much higher power teams and same when I run a balanced one. And even a min max opponent gets to have a higher power than mine. BS man …
What bad mismatches lol 10k plus power differences and the classic 10 star dogface. Hahaha
But generally, we just have to admit that min-maxing is a way of life. As long as the devs allow it, people will engage in it.
4k Power difference in both teams and a overall difference of 6% and you cry out about having a disadvantage, because your opponent is min maxing?
Sorry I can’t take you serious anymore regarding this issue.
Sorry wrong topic
I feel sorry for you for failing to see the point.
I like to see more balance game play than the mismatch and min/max for the greater good of the game.
Maybe you like seeing a game that keeps having their system exploited. And I know of players that are shameless of their act and in the Long run spoils it.
I’m with you. I read these posts with utter confusion.
We can’t expect a perfect match every time. We never see examples of when the poster has the power advantage.
I never doubted that there is an issue with the matchmaing, expecially in the middle and low power level. But some of your examples are just normal matches.
The three last picutres of you are an perfect example. The first one I already commente on. The second one has an low power Irfit in it, But he is generally low in power, so you can´t really do anything against that. And it seems that yu played it really bad. Why did you go for Irfit? He is only Gold. Ignore him and go for Dogface with you Maven. The third one is the only real missmatch, but you won it, because his team composition was really bad.
And what about my examples where the teams are ALWAYS a minimum 8k+ on mine, and sometimes up to 15k or more? If min/maxing is going to be severely punished, why does it seem like I am one of the few facing teams so much higher? Is this some sort of hidden ranking system or something? Here is a match I just played btw:
So his Dog is the same 10* and only 1 plat bar behind mine (600~ power difference), yet his Drake is actually 800 points higher than my Heimlock and his Gammond almost the same level as my Panzer?
There really should be NO reason I was matched against this team when they min/maxing just as much as me…
EDIT: Couple more screens to show how prevalent this is in my matches. I can post literally hundreds since this is all I face when I try to min/max. I am fine with there being a harsh penalty when you min/max, but why am I seemingly the only one getting hit by it? I NEVER face teams 17k points lower when I run a normal 30k team and they have 7*+ Pplat Panzer and Dogface.
You do realize that your screenshots show there is a system in place to punish people like you who try to exploit matchmaking by running a 3 man team.
And you realize that wasn’t my point at all? I am showing how when I min/max I am severely punished. That’s not my issue and I totally agree min/maxers should be punished (though I dunno if a 17k difference is maybe going a bit too far…?). My issue is when OTHERS do it, even to the same degree, they seemingly don’t get punished at all, or it’s a very small difference (2-4k). When I run a normal 30-40k point team I have NEVER faced a team 15k points lower that is min/maxing. Usually they will have a 7-8* plat Panzer with a bunch of gold and silver and destroy me.
Why did you not comment on the screen with the other team having a 10* plat Dog, 8* plat Drake, and 7* plat Gammond? Those 3 are the same power combined as my Panzer/Dog/Heimlock. My 3 plat heroes were 33,339 in combined power while his were 33,534. Then on top of that he also had another 10k in his gold and silver heroes.
If he runs his Dogface alone her may wants a team with 5 2.6k heroes to make it fair
@Deathleech, am I missing something
PvP should be 5 vs 5. So you get punished if you use less heroes.
Let me make a few things clear that some people seem to be missing. Please read my actual post and not just look at the screens. I understand I am being penalized for trying to cheat the system. While facing a team 15k power higher is a lot, my Dog can clearly take out their lower level players without a problem. I don’t have any issue with this. None whatsoever.
My issue is it seems min/maxing a certain way is fine (10* plat Panzer with a bunch of 5-6* gold rank for example). That’s ok and you might get punished by a few thousand points tops, but playing 3 platinum heroes alone means you get severely punished?
In the one example, my Dog is the SAME stars and only 1 platinum rank above the other guys Dog (550 pt difference). Meanwhile my Heimlock is weaker than his Drake by about 900 pts, and my Panzer is only slightly higher than his Gammon by 200. These teams are for all accounts and purposes, even. Yet for some reason he got another 10k power with his Ifrit and Panzer. Can SOMEONE please touch on this? He’s min/mazing just as much as me yet still has a 10k point advantage.
I guess if I am going to cheat the system, I need to do it the “right” way and throw in a couple weak sauce silver and gold heroes? Then I will face teams only 3-4k above me instead of 10-17k?
Please note I do not enjoy min/maxing. I just don’t feel like spending several hundred dollars to get the hero of the month to be competitive. My normal team is around 57-60k and I face nothing but similar teams, or even some 60k+ that are Ifrit/Panzer/Flatline and then Heimlock, Night, Drake, or Caine. My regular Panzer, Dog, Gammond, Drake, Heimlock team has a lot of difficulty facing this team since every round goes the same. Their Panzer kills my Gammond or Dog/Panzer. My Dog/Panzer might kill Night, or usually Flatline, but they get brought back by Ifrit. I then try to focus on Ifrit or Flatline again, and by this time their Panzer has reloaded, Showtime has gone off, and they get another kill. After that it’s downhill and I slowly lose my 3 remaining heroes. Not much I can do about this besides A) invest a ton of money to get my Panzer, Ifrit, and Flatline higher OR B) Min/max
In your last screenshot you posted 3 hero’s, average of 11k~ so you should have faced a 55k~ not 50k so you even got lucky there.
it would be weird if I would only use a 14k odachi and get faced against a 14k team, with an average of 2.8k each hero, that’s just free wins, they wouldn’t stand a chance
That’s not at all how the match making system works. It doesn’t take the average of your 3 heroes when you only play with 3, then give that average to the 5 heroes on the opposite team.
I have ran teams with only 2 heroes before and an average power of 11,700. The total team power is 23,400. By your math, I should then face a team with every one of their five heroes being 11,700 power? So my 23,400 team would face a 58,500 team?
Also to illustrate what I am talking about, here is a team I faced where he only played with 3 heroes. I played a pretty normal team with 5-7*, and gold-plat rank. Yet I only had a 6,600 point advantage on him. Had the 3 man team been mine, like shown in the screenshots above, I would of been lower than his team by minimum 10k points, or up to 17k. Why is his team only 6,600 lower than mine here when he is doing exactly what I did running a 3 man, 9-10 star team?
So by your math, his average hero level is 9,690. My 5 heroes should all be that level, or my team should have been 48,466 vs him? If I got lucky in my win, then this guy got INSANELY lucky because my team power was 12k under what it should have been.
Because your account is jinxed by the mighty god of Hero Hunters, to prevent you from min maxing.
@Deathleech, true, but I also think running a 9.7k with a 5.4k hero isn’t ok, I also think him running 3 hero’s, with silver and plat is absurd, those kind of matches shouldn’t be possible imo
And I get that people are min maxing since I face the same stuff like everyone here, so don’t hate the player, hate the matchmaking mechanic
I wouldn’t have to min/max if this game wasn’t becoming more and more pay to win. It’s hard to compete with 7-10* Panzer and Ifrit teams when you only have a 5* version.
At any rate it seems like there is a certain way to min/max? You get penalized hard for running less than 5 heroes and having them all plat. If you run 3 heroes at silver and plat you are not hit near as hard. If you run a 10* bronze with a bunch of 5* gold, again, you are not really penalized that bad.
I think they need to fix this so ALL the min/max teams stated above are penalized with a 10-17k power difference. If any hero is more than 3* above anyone else it should be a 7-8k penalty, or platinum while the rest of the heroes are bronze/silver it should be an 8k penalty. Something like that so teams are more even.
May considered to change your team, so you can beat the other teams. instead of crying out, that you min maxing doesn´t work properly?