Hero Concept : Muninn
Hp : 3/5
Armor 3/5
Skills 4/5
Damage 5/5
Faction : The Gods Of HH
Element : Mech
Position : Midline
Who is this lad? : The king of all, always keeping an eye over us and striking with the holy hammer when needed.
Bronze : Ban Hammer : Strikes the target with a hammer dealing some good damage and silences the opponent for 5 seconds [increases with 1 every 10 levels] charges just as fast as Marlowe for example
Silver : Muninns Third Eye : Watches the battlefield for 10 seconds after that he has a 50% chance to elbow slam everybody silencing and disorienting the targets for 6 seconds and deals medium damage for every ability used or has a 50% chance to slay them with a medieval sword dealing a pretty big amount of damage and gaining a small bleeding effect dealing small amounts of damage every second, this goes in a chain reaction like Ronin, charges in 20 seconds
Gold : The Punishment : whenever an opponent is silenced by [Ban Hammer] or [Muninns Third Eye]they receive a small amount of extra damage every second that multiplies every second
Platinum: Muninn gains a medium shield whenever he hits someone with [Ban Hammer]
Weapon : Muninns Gauntlet :
shoots semi automatic, has 12 in the magazine, they deal a medium amount of damage for every shuriken he shoots, reloads in 2,3 seconds, animation goes as this : opens gauntlet, shoves his hand over the mag dropping 3 shurikens on a layer in a row of 4, closes it, very similar to Hideo
Appareance : Looks and moves like a ninja, with a sword and a banhammer on his back
We need the developers in HH as heroes, because they are to me