Patrol reroll list

As a commander I would like to see a contribution list for the amount of times a person have rerolled the patrols. It’s more important to the alliance as it help us reach the platinum crate with the 100patrols/day limit than the amount of rushes a person have done, even though I wouldn’t mind having them both :wink:.


Posted this a while back also, but I’d also like to thank the guys who did a lot of work, some just rerol for others to take it

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Oops I didn’t see that post when I searched for patrol posts.

It happens haha, no worries

Great point nao132, cuz that way it’s fair for those who reroll. At the end of the day those who reroll is having their progress slowed due to the gold spent on rerolls, where as those who just leech on the team.

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