Rygel's PvP Hero Tier list

Rygel's Rambles: PvP Tier List [PATCH 0.6]

Who are the Best Characters to climb the PvP ladder with

Who is this Rygel guy?

Hello Gun Risers, my name is [FPM] Rygel and some of you may have seen me around in the Global and VIP chat channels while in game. I'm a member of the prominent and highly active FreakPyromaniacs Alliance. I started playing Gun Rise while they were still on their 0.1 version/update (Not too sure if they had a 0.0 version or not). I was the second player ( @Tranquilmoon606 managed to beat me by less than an hour) to have reached Tier 1 (and made it onto the Leaderboard) once PvP was released. Ever since then, I have been in the top 20 consistently throughout the following updates, and for most of updates 0.5 and 0.6 I have been solidly in the top 3.

Preface Ramble

Hey Gun Risers, This will be the first of a series of topics I'd like to create and maintain. I will be compiling a list of all the heroes in the game, and sorting them into tiers, to help our community grow in knowledge, as well as help other players which I will through playtesting, theory crafting and feedback from other players. So please bear with me while the first few versions of this list may not be too accurate, as we as a community grow and develop strategies and metas.

PATCH: 0.6 Updates

As can be expected from such an early early patch, it was a big one in terms of hero balancing, with essentially a roster wide set of changes.




(neutral changes or mix of buff & nerf)

Now for the Tier lists:

Full Roster Tier List

Tier 1: Gods

Good in Almost Every Situation

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Tier 1.5: Demi-Gods

Currently hovering between Tier 1 and 2

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Tier 2: Strong Choices

Works well in many situations

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Tier 3: Balanced Choices

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Tier 4: Underpowered/Specialized Choices

Heavily Relies on team Comp | Highly Specialized Role | low benefit - effort ratio

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Farmer's Tier List

Only includes heroes that can be acquired without spending gold

Tier 1: God Tier

Good in many situations | "Easily" Upgraded

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Tier 2: Strong Choices

Works well in many situations

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Tier 3: Balanced Choices

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Tier 4: Underpowered or Specialized Choices

Heavily Relies on team Comp | Highly Specialized Role | low benefit - effort ratio

Front Line:
Mid Line:
Rear Line:

Hero Tier Explanations

Tier 1 - Gods: These Heroes are the strongest or best equiped to do what they're designed to do: High Damage Dealers, Nigh unkillable Frontliners, Great Defenders, Healers, Disruptors, Support, and they typically have more than one tool to work with, or fit really well into multiple roles. In the Farmer's Tier List, strong and easily upgraded heroes (ones who have a really high upgrade cap that doesn't rely on buying crates for upgrade materials) are also included

Tier 1.5 - Demi-Gods: These heroes are on the cusp of ascending to the God tier, or have recently received balance tweaks that are bringing them back down to just being merely "exceptional mortals"

Tier 2 - Strong Choices: These heroes, generally do well in many situations, and have some sort of advantage over most other heroes in their role.

Tier 3 - Balanced Choices: These heroes tend to be relatively balanced and hopefully here is where Hothead Games designers are aiming to get their PvP hero designs to reside. These heroes generally do well at their job, however they're not overpowered by any means, and do have their weaknesses

Tier 4 - Underpowered or Specialized Choices: Some of these heroes can still do well in a PvP setting, but they tend to feel a little underpowered or offer less reward than that of others in their role. These heroes may also be better suited or specifically designed to excel in other game modes, such as Campaign, Raids or Gauntlet.

Coming Soon: Hero Ranking Explanations

In this section I will explain why certain heroes were ranked where they were on my list


  • The purpose of this list is primarily for discussion and to provide a starting point for helping players both in their PvP Hero/Team selection, as well as in their decisions on who to invest effort upgrading first.
  • Your preferred playstyle (including your proficiencies with the various weapon and character styles) as well as the team comp on a whole matters as much, if not more than any perceived power of any one individual hero.
  • This list is only ranking heroes based on their perceived PvP power, various heroes could belong to a vastly different “tier” in the other game modes, such as Campaign, Raids or Gauntlet.

Impressive! How you graded Mandrake surprised me the most. I have only tried him at 8* silver so i don’t know how he plays later on but didn’t find verry usefull. Could you elaborate why you grade him at 1,5?

Mandrake has a crazy useful gold ability. He invis and heals anyone who drops below 15% health. It works as long as he’s alive, and can keep moss from killing himself.

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Even with mandrake abilities i think he dies really fast

@Gruff_McTuff has the same reasoning as I do. His ability to allow team members to stealth when they are low health, and while stealthed they regen health as well. This stealth also does not break upon basic attacks. and @Tranquilmoon606 that may be (it’s the main reason he’s not in Tier 1 in the primary list itself), but he is really good at his job of, making sure everyone else on his team stays alive as long as possible.

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This is verry impressive, but the ranking is not 100% right I think.

Currently I’m number 7 on the leaderboard and I have a mixture of tier 2 and 3 hero’s, none of a higher tier. Weird without a god team. I believe it’s not about individual hero’s but about team composure. Maybe open up a spot for team composure discussions?

And do you use a full god team yourself then? :smirk:

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The Spot on PVP Rank is actual not very meaningful… you play at 99% against Bots… myself could be higher at pvp but for what i should play pvp against bots? Yes Gems but for me at first line not very Important!

Rygels list shows more the forces of the Heros on Playing PVP real Player versus Player. But im ok what you say its good too look all skills for a realy complet team and discuse that togheter.

Cheers Vupi

Are you going to update this for 0.7?

yes I will, once I have a little more playtime in PvP, to see how the new changes have affected the heroes.

Is this list still worth today?

Wish we could get a update


Is Surge still considered good?

This list is really outdated. To be honest, I dont know how you even wrote here, given that posts are supposed to close after 14 days.

This list is more recent, but still outdated (this is from february, so 2 patches ago)

But none of these list take into account platinum skills, so both could be completely wrong once you reach endgame

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