These factions really need a biochem hero each. Could be an NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) specialist. A grenadier. Some of the newer hand held grenade launchers can be fired with relatively rapid succession (the milkor MGL). Hero could have something of that sort of even a 10 round magazine fed weapon. Firing damage combined with biochem.
Actually all the factions need to be re-organized. There should be heroes representing every element in all the factions. We have plenty of heroes so that is not the issue.
Cross should definitely be counted as UAF. Story wise, he’s been with the original squad since his boss encounter. He wouldn’t even have to change faction: any event that boosts UAF should also include Cross.
Yeah, but across is still a merc. Maybe the Mercenaries faction should get a mini-bonus during some months?
And this would be cool. A rebalancing of the factions and a greater focus on Faction Fight PVP - what exactly that is, idk right now - But I digress, if there -was- a rebalancing of factions, maybe we could have a draft where the Community gets to vote in one Hero to each Faction.
Fresh hero’s keep people interested. More hero’s will broaden the choices to make fun/effective teams
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