Matchmaking based on power has been a discussion for quite a long time. People fighting teams with a few thousand power difference then them, either much higher or much lower. I’m creating this thread to create a few findings from many many PvP matches trying to figure out the best way for players to find a equal match!
Here’s the biggest take away I found
This may be find of self-explanatory, but the less of a gap between your heroes in all 3 factors i listed above the more consistent you will find matches where people have similar power levels to you, usually less then a 1000 power difference.Some examples below:
Identical rank,level,and stars
These are just a small sample, but they show what I am talking about. Each team was composed of 5 heroes all the same rank(withing 1 to 2 stripes seemed to be fine), stars, and level. Although I’m not getting exact power matches, there are typically very close. This isn’t a perfect scenario though, you may get paired with teams like the second screenshot, but that was about the biggest difference in power that I faced.
Now, on the opposite end.
When you create a team with very different heroes when it comes to stars,rank, and level, you tend to always get matched up against someone with a pretty decent difference in power. Even if it is only 1 or 2 heroes, the larger the gap between the rest of your team, the larger the power gap between you and your oppenent. Some examples:
As you can see, those are some pretty big gaps in power. 11k, 4k, 5k power gaps would make anyone say this system is broken right? Well look at the teams that were used. Ill start with the top team.
An 8 star platinum hero along with 4 silvers the highest with 5 stars. Going up against an opponent with an all gold team and similar stars. He was matched with this guy because of the difference between salv and the rest of the team. When you take the average power for that team would be 3,690, a number bigger then 4 of the actual power levels. This causes the system to think his team is better then it actually is. He is doing a disservice to himself by adding that Salvo to his team.
Same type of thing applies to the other 2 screenshots. The platinum hero over inflates the team giving the false impression that the team is stronger than it appears to be.
This is not a perfect solution, and just because you run an identical team doesn’t mean you will get a match with someone close 100% of time, its more of a guideline. I understand that having identical teams in all 3 factors may not be realistic for a lot of people, but the closer you can get your entire team to match, the better matches you are going to get.