The venom tokens being given for day 7 of the login event calendar are of no use because the venom feature crate will expire at the same time as we get those tokens. i sent a ticket to support but they say they dont deal with these kinda issues.
It would make sense to swap day 7 rewards with either day 5 or 6.
Please correct me if im wrong but as per my understanding, the crate will expire at the same time we get those tokens
so for me let me explain us tuesday 18 it is 4:50 pm the event ends on monday 24 so i still have 6 rewards to collect either tuesday 18 to 9 pm Wednesday 19 to 9 pm Thursday 20 to 9 pm Friday 21 to 9 pm Saturday 22 to 9 pm and Sunday 23 at 9 p.m. or 6 rewards and the event ended on the 24th so for me everything is ok