What the f*ck

Just a normal day doing pvp carabina event, me (just a gold player an just have all 5* heroes) matching up with a couple good game even though im lost it’s seems fair. Then, in one matchup got an enemy that have dogface skinned 7*, keel skinned 8*, kobold (like 6* maybe), flat skinned (forgot the ) and kunoichi 7 but all of them is silver3 except flat, dog and kunoichi (and I’m forgot to screenshot it) wreck me but hasn’t kill my hero yet, and just about to kill their flat and dog my ‘internet’ says died but i can use browser, i come back and just a blank screen says

pressed ok and nothing happened, I’m just “okay it’s just bugged” quit and back again just like that again… I’m thinking like could the enemy just hack my game and cheats so i can’t watch them cheat?? Like 30 minutes later my game is not working, just a blank screen with a buffer circling in the center

So please wtf is happening in that scenario, 1st off i got unbalance matchup, 2nd just about killing their flat, then the game just shut down… like what dude, what do you want:(

(Sorry for my bad grammar, I’m bad at english)

There are other threads about PVP mismatches available, there have also been known server issues this past weekened so the game is recovering however I will admit and agree in saying randomc crashes have increased

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