Since there is no tournament till tomorrow, I was doing a little bit of sandbagging just for the LOL’s and for getting the 3 Macho fragments/acomplish the objectives (yep, this is the level of free PVP for, I’d say, 70 level player and higher).
What I found? 60 level player (And I guess lower if they found and upgrade to gold Mandrake and Flatline) are playing the same meta. So, imagine that. It’s weeks or even months playing the same meta (meta which we’ve got since last year Summer? I don’t remember well)
(I give edition classes on Thursdays)
I could show you also my ordinary PVP (at 85 level with team power arround 45-50K) and about 80% of matches have Mandrake and Flatline on their teams.
Basically, in order to be competitive in PVP, you MUST play Mandrake and Flatline. And of course, don’t forget Ifrit (Healer/Reviver), Keel (very powerfull healer once it charges), Phalanx who gives shield since the beginning of the match.
Somebody could say "Aim your fire to Flat or Keel but then you realize Mandrake will hide them or Flatline/Ifrit will revive them few seconds later, etc.
I wouldn’t be surprised if HH post PVP stats and see Mandrake/Flatline in 70-80% of PVP teams. The thing is that this have been the same since months ago.
And yes, I’m an 85 level player (not maxed) who also HAS to play this in order to have a chance to win some matches.
(This is my competitive team, swapping sometimes Yaeger with either Kunoichi, Hardscope or Dogface)
PD: I was doing some research and yep, Flatline has been in the game for almost a year and I guess Mandrake has been here for more time.
I don’t think Hero Hunters is trying to be a competitive game, not even an E-Sport but, if they want to be a serious game, they sould do balance updates more frequently and more agressive to the Meta Teams.