A "Goodbye" from the DECA Team

Hello Hunters!

Since our work on the game is being finalized, we would like to share this message with you from our producer which also holds the sentiment of all Hero Hunters team members.

Thank you for everything, awesome community! :heart:

Here’s a transcript of the text in case you find it hard to read:

Hello Hunters!

Since the transition is progressing and we’re gradually transferring everything to SuperCompany, our work on the game is coming to an end, and we wanted to spend some time to share a few words and say “goodbye” to this lovely community.

Despite the undeniably rough start we had, this has been an unforgettable time for all of us - learning the intricacies of the game, trying, failing, trying again, succeeding - there has been everything.
Throughout all our efforts, the community’s opinion on different matters has always been an integral part of our discussions and plans. We are fully aware that it’s impossible to make absolutely everyone always happy, but we’ve always had the best in mind for Hero Hunters. We hope that we were able to provide you with interesting Heroes, strong buffs, useful reworks and a fresh take on different events as our intention has always been.

It was a good Hunt, fellow Hunters! Thank you all for being part of it and for supporting the game!

- Elias, Game Producer at DECA Games


Bye Elias & team,

Thank you for being you. I appreciate you and the game is better now than when I started.

Much love and respect towards your next endeavors.


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